Dr. Elsadig Musa Ahmed is a Professor of Economics and Technology Management at Multimedia University (MMU) Senate member, MMU research and Ethics, ...
Elsadig Musa Ahmed. Professor of Economics and Technology Management. Verified email at - Homepage ˇ His research interest ...
Elsadig Ahmed

Elsadig Ahmed

Research interests: His research interest includes Productivity Analysis, Productivity and Environment, Development Economics, and more

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Coordinator for Post Graduate programs of the Faculty of Business, Chair person of Centre for Globalization and Sustainability Research (CGSR).
Dr. Elsadig Musa Ahmed is a Professor of Development Economics (Economics and Technology Management) at Multimedia University (MMU) Senate member in January- ...
Elsadig Musa Ahmed: current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS.
CURRICULUM VITAE Elsadig Musa Ahmed PERSONAL Name: Elsadig Musa Ahmed Date of Birth: First of January 1965 Place of Birth: Elrank, Upper Nile State, ...
Dr. Elsadig Musa Ahmed is Professor of Economics and Technology Management at Multimedia University (MMU) Senate member, MMU Students' disciplinary committee ...
Dr. Elsadig Musa Ahmed is Professor of Economics and Technology Management at Multimedia University. Senate member, member of MMU Students' disciplinary ...
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Elsadig Musa Ahmed. 1284 likes ˇ 7 talking about this. Dr Elsadig Musa Ahmed is a Professor of Economics and Technology Management at Multimedia University.
Dr. Elsadig Musa Ahmed is Professor of Economics and Technology Management at Multimedia University (MMU), MMU Senate member, Students' disciplinary ...