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An exaggerated or irrational fear of the number 666. Additional Information. The Bible references the number 666 as being the number of Satan and therefore anti-Christ. Many people fear the number for religious reasons. Originates from 'hex' meaning 'six' and 'phobia' meaning 'fear of'
18 hours ago
14 hours ago · Bethlehem is one of best doom/black metal bands around and there's no-one to deny it. They have proven their worth with fabulous albums of extreme depression, ...
16 hours ago · I'm a writer in multiple genres, favoring character, action, and relationship drama. I love horror and suspense, but appreciate genre mashups, too.
8 hours ago · Este medio de comunicación lleva más de 75 años de trayectoria en Norte de Santander. ¡Somos la voz de todos los nortesantandereanos! 󱙶.
18 hours ago · eine der häufigsten Formen der Angststörung. ist die soziale Phobie. Betroffene haben dabei starke Ängste. vor sozialen Situationen. weil sie sich davor ja ...
22 hours ago · Iată cele cinci cuvinte care sunt cel mai greu de pronunțat în limba română: 1. Diclordifeniltriclormetilmetan 2. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (teama de ...
7 hours ago · Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – αυτός είναι ο τεχνικός όρος για το φόβο στον αριθμό 666, αλλιώς γνωστό ως Ο Αριθμός του Διαβόλου. Αυτή η πρόληψη σαφέστατα ...
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