Lenggeng population from
... Population I E I I I E I E E 550 781 875 1281 1310 1334 1591 2344 2922 Lenggeng S G A C T T A A A C Chaah S A GA C C G GA G TB Bidor S Temerloh S G Lenggeng R Chaah R AB Bidor R A GA TB Temerloh R TB 322 C C G GA G TB G ASilent mutation ...
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng Setul 10,999 5,461 5,538 2,156 1,079 1,077 6,872 3,298 3,574 1,861 1,024 837 110 60 50 Labu 13,675 7,050 6,625 4,996 2,481 2,515 4,540 2,310 2,230 3.993 2,174 1,819 146 85 61 Pantai 1,975 1,011 964 Ampangan 8,989 4,871 4,118 ...
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng ) can the drift be guided . In the Third Malaysia Plan the government attempts to provide sufficient training programs in the rural ... Lenggeng . 10 Table 3 Distribution of Population in Mukim Lenggeng Kampungs Population 91.
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng Setul 10,999 5,461 5,538 2,156 1,079 1,077 6,872 3,298 3,574 1,861 1,024 837 110 60 Labu 13,675 7,050 6,625 4,996 2,481 2,515 4,540 2,310 2,230 3.993 2,174 1,819 146 85 Pantai 1,975 1,011 964 1,314 630 684 555 319 236 97 55 42 ...
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng 4,202 34 98 153 251 Parit Tinggi 1,079 2,156 5,538 5,461 10,999 Setul 317 579 262 319 581 Langkap 4.996 2,226 7,050 2,481 13,675 Labu 6,625 4,872 2,990 2,631 5,621 Kuala Jempol 630 1,314 964 1,975 872 Pantai 1,011 1,635 1,782 ...
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng Sri Menanti Setul Serting Ulu Labu Serting Ilir Pantai Rompin Ampangan Pilah Rasah Parit Tinggi Rantau Langkap Seremban Kuala Jempol KUALA PILAH Kepis Ampang Tinggi Juasseh Jelai Johol TOTAL - ALL COMMUNITIES - MALAYSIANS 18 ...
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng , in the state of Negeri Sembilan were selected for the study . Data was collected from 14 villages in Nilai and 13 villages in Lenggeng for seven weeks during June and July , 1988 . The population sampled was limited to ...
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng 4,567 Pantai 1,247 Rantau 8,633 Rasah 4,855 Seremban 1,771 Setul 6,725 Jumlah , Seremban Total , Seremban 84,071 TAMPIN : Ayer Kuning 3,928 Gemas 6,754 Gemencheh 7,007 Keru 483 Repah 963 Tampin Tengah 4,113 Tebong 268 Jumlah ...
Lenggeng population from
... Lenggeng and Setul ) . Indeed , the total population , number of households and population density have a significant impact on the river water quality . Agencies With respect to the monitoring and controlling of water issues in the ...
Lenggeng population from
... population group by far the most frequently reduced to semi- starvation , although labourers and coolies were also ... Lenggeng Valley in Negri Sembilan just after the war and finding that ' the undergrowth ( belukar ) over the ...