Pua Kumbu Creatures
Motifs on pua kumbu cloths often represent elements from the weavers’ dreams. Combined with images from real life encounters,they express fears, hopes and aspirations. Many pua kumbu cloths depict episodes of mythologies and stories of heroes, goddesses, demons and giants.

Derived from a ceremonial cloth, pua kumbu, from Sarawak, Borneo.
Seribu Rusa
A deer is a symbol of treasure and wealth. It symbolizes success, fame, recognition and is also the epitome of endurance and elegance. The animal is believed to...
Javanese Wilderness
The design resembles a forest or wilderness; a profusion of creatures inhabiting earth and sky move between the trees and mountains. Among these is the poisonous...
Lotuses Van Pekalongan
The creation owes a debt to a Dutch version of Art Nouveau, with its flowing decorative lines and stylized flowers and birds. The trend is known as “salad-oil” sty...
Kembang Purbonegoro
The large sunflower motifs (kembang purbonegoro) with their seed-filled centers stand for the abundant generative energy of the ruler. The star-form flowers are...
Bintang Enam Sudut
Six-pointed stars, a modest version of the stylized (kembang) purbonegoro, or sunflower. Derived from a man’s skirt cloth, nyamping kawung, from Yogyakarta, C...
Carcena Lobang
The pattern illustration is derived from a flowering variant of the fragrant pacar tree, carcena lobang. Derived from a skirt cloth, jarit sumping, from Lasem,...
The pattern design is derived from a unique early form of a well-known Yogyakarta semen, a traditional Central Javanese pattern associated with fertility and...
The imagery of a Chinese influenced auspicious dog-lion, the ky’lin are found on the sayut bangrod. Young women about to be married wear it during the first phase o...
The motif is known in Central Java as slobok, consisting of alteranating dark and light triangles that form two interlocking and opposed sun wheels. Up to the early...
Madu Bronto
The design belongs to the ceplokan (ornamented rosettes) patterns, a stylization of the Cryptocoryne ciliata, an uncultivated plant encountered in tidal marshes...
The kawung motif is one of the oldest motifs in batik. An early history is also inferred by the batik-lurik version made in Tiban. Worked into a dense layer of...
Adu Jago
Even though cock fights were introduced from India or possibly China centuries before, these fighting cocks (adu jago) stand for indigenous activities that live...