January 31, 2009 Elliott

Megan Fox vs Angelina Jolie

I’ve brought this up on air just 2 days ago, hollywood producers are set to reboot the Tomb Raider movie franchise for a third installment but this time without Angelina Jolie….Oh Nooooo….who could possibly replace her?


Fear not fan boys because Megan Fox was set to fill Angelina’s boots! Well it makes sense I suppose, similar looks, dark hair, even tattoos………sure these two actresses have similarities and Megan would be great as a younger Lara Croft.




Unfortunately again, it was announced yesterday by Fox’s representatives that she will not be taking over the role as Lara Croft as she did not want to be the next Angelina Jolie. Oh well, we can still catch her in Transformers: Revenge of the fallen this July. And we wait eagerly on who will fill the boots left vacant by Angelina Jolie.


Oh another note, I chanced upon this funny video online. It shows Batman playing the latest “Mortal Kombat vs DC” game and he doesn’t do too well.



Haha! Throw the Batarang dammit!


Danker out!

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