Hey hows everybody doing today? hope everything is all good~

Anyway, have u heard of kembayau? or its fancy name Canarium odonotophyllum?

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Have u seen the fruits in the pictures? If no then no worries, it is not available worldwide thats why its kinda rare. Even in Brunei its kinda hard to come across this unless it is during the Kembayau season ofcourse.

This is one of the local favorites as it is easy to prepare and also to eat. How to prepare? its so easy~ First u wash the kembayau, then u peel the skin of the kembayau like you see in the picture above. Then u just pour hot water into the bowl, cover it and wait for like 5-10 minutes depending on each individuals preferred softness or texture. Then pour all the water out and it is ready to be eaten. How easy was that right? haha The skin is peeled in such way so that the insides of the fruits can be cooked faster as the absorption rate from the hot water into the fruit is fast. This is due to exposed layer which makes it easier for hot water to be absorbed.

There are quite a few ways on how you can enjoy this rare or rather exotic fruit. For me, I usually sprinkle some salt n then eat it but for some they put salt at the same time when they put the hot water. This is done so that the salty taste can be absorbed into the core of the fruits.

The cooked kembayau will look like the 2nd picture above where the stripe part of it is no longer white but a bit purplish in colour. It is also soft. The taste and texture is kinda unique and kinda hard to explain in english because I am not sure what the word in english is but I will just use the local words to explain it. The taste in local term is ‘belamak’ that is usually used for fatty foods. Its like oily taste but not quite. Maybe a healthy type of oily taste? hahaha The texture is ofcourse soft. Basically the part of the fruit which we eat will just slip off from the seed like a snowboard smoothly sliding down the snowy mountains. I might be a bit over board in explaining it but the only way for you to completely know is just to try it by yourself. So maybe if you have time do visit Brunei and have a taste of this unique fruit called the kembayau.