07-Ghost Episode 6 – Yawn! I am counting sheep

Kapitel 6: The Path of Justice Leads to Light
07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime,Hyuuga
Hyuuga: Yawn, I’m bored!

07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime
Mikage: Ohh! Can’t be that bad.

Kapitel 6,anime,Teito Klein
Teito: Sigh, I’m bored too. Nothing exciting is happening.

07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime,Mikage
Heck ya, you said it Mikage. Teito is bored standing around looking broody.

07-Ghost,anime,Kapitel 6
Frau: How about I show you guys some fun? Pretty nuns are welcome too. 8)

Geez, what a pretentious episode title. It did not relate in anyway to the episode. 07-Ghost has gotten pretty mediocre of late. It doesn’t help that they drag one aspect of the story on and on. I’m truly uninspired by Studio Deen’s interpretation of events. How can they make the first appearance of the Eye of Michael so worthless? 😡 They completely ruin the Michael revelation. Teito being aware of it all just spoils it completely. Then there’s the yawn inducing filler story with the Kor possessed green haired girl which is really annoying and useless. Shall I stab onii-chan already, no I need to talk some more…maybe I can stab him now, no I’m not ready yet…blah. And it keeps going that way until Frau appears to end the misery. Really, that’s one piece of crappy scripting if you ask me.

The only interesting part of the episode is the annual Baptismal Bazaar, especially Frau’s shop selling the bbq one-eyed creature. 😆 I would love to have Labrador’s Rose candy…don’t the jars looked like rose jam? Castor should just become a fashion designer to the nuns…it’s a lot more profitable than selling creepy life-sized dolls.

Right now, Pandora Hearts totally owned 07-Ghost as they’re in a similar genre.  Every episode just keeps getting better and better. The pacing, the plots, the mood, the mystery, the music and the characters keeps me enthrall for more episodes each time I watch it. 07-Ghost on the hand, is going in the opposite direction.  It’s gotten rather lame and reduced my expectation to such a low level.  Oz Bezarius is way more interesting than Teito Klein and he doesn’t even have any magical power. As much as I love Frau’s smexiness, Raven aka Gil is much hotter.  It’s just that Oz and Raven are in a better place with their story than Frau and Teito.

With this said, I probably won’t blog 07-ghost on a regular basis and I might add my short episode impressions of Pandora Hearts on the schedule along with Hana-sei.

Labrador’s Floral Candy Shop
Labrador san,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,animerose candy,Kapitel 6,anime,07-Ghost,Labrador san
rose candy,Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,anime,Labrador sanPhotobucket
Want to try out Lab’s Rose candy? Healthy and good for the skin. It’s beauty food. Yum.

Castor’s Doll Shop
PhotobucketCastor's dolls,Castor,Frau,Mikage,Teito Klein,Teito Klein,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6
Castor-san tells the gang he wants to try out for Project Runway…the nuns approved cos he’s fierce!

Frau’s Exotic Meat Stall
Frau,Kapitel 6,sparkles,07-Ghost,animeFrau,Mikage,Teito Klein,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime
Frau,Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,anime07-Ghost,Mikage,Teito Klein,anime,Kapitel 6,Frau
07-Ghost,anime,Kapitel 6,Mikage,Teito Klein07-Ghost,Mikage,Teito Klein,anime,Kapitel 6
07-Ghost,Frau,Kapitel 6,winkhob,anime
What the freak is this puke inducing creature? Does it taste like frogs…one wonders. Frau must be starved for bbq chix. 😆

One for the album – The Aya-tan Posse
07-Ghost,Aya-tan's posse,Kapitel 6,animeAyanami,Aya-tan,07-Ghost,anime,Kapitel 6
Labrador san,Castor,Kapitel 6,anime,07-GhostAya-tan,Ayanami,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime
Whilst the bishops catch 40 winks beneath their veils during a lengthy sermon, Aya-tan is getting up to some naughty mischief. Can’t blame him cos Mikage and Teito are getting bored out of their wits. They need some fun and Aya-kun is gonna give them some entertainment.

Enter the green hair imouto waif
Mikage,Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,animegreen hair imouto-san,Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,anime
green hair imouto-san,Mikage,Kapitel 6,animeMikage,Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,anime
green hair imouto-san,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,animeCastor,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime

green hair imouto-san,Mikage,Kapitel 6,Kor,07-Ghost,animeMikage,green hair imouto-san,Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,anime,Kor

Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,anime,Teito Klein
‘Oniii-chan….don’t leave me…’ Ah Mikage, so easily fooled by fragile green hair girl with serious onii-chan complex. Teito’s not happy.

Kor, Dolls and The Eye of Michael
zaiphon,07-Ghost,Mikage,Kor,Kapitel 6,animezaiphon,07-Ghost,Mikage,Kor,anime,Kapitel 6
zaiphon,07-Ghost,Mikage,Kor,anime,Kapitel 6Teito Klein,zaiphon,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime
Castor's dolls,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,animeCastor's dolls,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime
PhotobucketKapitel 6,Kor,green hair imouto-san,07-Ghost,anime
Mikage,Kor,green hair imouto-san,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6Teito Klein,zaiphon,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6
07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,Teito Klein07-Ghost,anime,Kapitel 6,Teito Klein,zaiphon
07-Ghost,anime,Kapitel 6,Teito Kleingreen hair imouto-san,Mikage,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6
Teito Klein,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6Eye of Michael,Teito Klein,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime
green hair imouto-san,Mikage,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,animeEye of Michael,07-Ghost,anime,Kapitel 6,Teito Klein
07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,animePhotobucket
Aya-tan is enjoying the live telecast of the Kor battle. Lots of pew pewing of Zaiphon ensues. The Eye of Michael appears briefly to enliven the whole thing with its light show and feebly fade when Zehel’s scythe swish and breaks the Kor’s possession.

Frau vs Aya-tan – Frau wins the droolicious battle!
Frau,anime,Kapitel 6,07-GhostAyanami,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime
Mikage,Teito Klein,green hair imouto-san,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,animeFrau,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6,anime,Mikage
Mikage,Teito Klein,07-Ghost,Kapitel 607-Ghost bishops,Frau,Labrador san,Castor,07-Ghost,Kapitel 6
Frau,07-Ghost,anime,Kapitel 607-Ghost bishops,Teito Klein,Mikage,Kapitel 6,07-Ghost,anime
Yo, you got a precious big jewel embedded in your hand dear boy and now everyone’s wants that precious hand of yours.

4 thoughts on “07-Ghost Episode 6 – Yawn! I am counting sheep

  1. Sushi girl

    haha, yeah i think castor’s dolls are kinda creepy! love this anime. wonder when keito’s chains will come off? will he every be free?? great images by the way.


    1. ayumikat

      wonder when keito’s chains will come off? will …

      I’m wondering the same thing…the anime seem to drag this on for quite a bit. Teito didn’t complain one bit though. 😛


  2. mito

    I love this epi!!!!! >< it’s full mikage and teito Kyaa!!! frau too!!! he’s look more hotter in this epi!! huhuhuhu… T.T hope i will get the next episode that seems interesting… will mikage be makage in the next episode?? i’m curious ’bout that…
    And thanks for this epi blogs Your blogs really interesting


    1. ayumikat

      😳 Thanx for checking out my blog.
      Frau is awesome…he’s one of the reasons that I didn’t totally drop this show off my schedule. 😆 Crappy *fangirl*excuse but ya, one can hope that the next episode gets better. 🙂


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