Hi, I'm Andrew and I’m just a simple zoology student and crustacean researcher from Ohio. This blog centers around animal IDs so feel free to send me any unknown species (and its location) that you have and I will take my best shot at IDing it! I also occasionally post random zoology/animal factoid things.

Disclamer: none of the pictures are mine unless stated


Philippine flying lemur

 (Cynocephalus volans)

Is the one of two species of colugo (the other being the Sundo Flying Lemur which i posted earlier) found in southeast Asia, unlike the sundo flying lemur C.volans is restricted to the southern islands of the Philippines. Unlike what their common name might allude to they are not lemurs nor can the fly (they can glide for around 300ft but that dosen't count). As you might of guessed from their gliding ability they are an arboreal animal spending most of their lives in the treetops leaving at night to feed on fruits and flowers




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