Arty Party cakes…

Hello, long time no see my poor little blog that seems to have been sent to Coventry.. or wherever else blogs that get left on the shelf go.  On the positive side, the lack of posts means that I have been super busy making lots of cakes for customers and striking up exciting new joint ventures with retail outlets 🙂 More on that on another post…

In the meantime, back to baking, so many to choose from but let’s start with these artsy crafty little cake pops and three layer cake, abstract styley created for an artist on her special birthday.

art cakes

Here, we have a three layer chocolate cake covered in vanilla buttercream and then randomly ‘splashed’ via the end of a cake pops stick  with a mix of coloured candy melts. This was a messy business I can tell you!  Note to self, put a sheet of plastic down first…

making art cake 1

I made the artist palettes out of gumpaste and then dotted blobs of candy melt for the paint and painted a paintbrush also using candy melts.  For an easy peasy way of getting the shapes , take a small pastry cutter, cut out a circle and then taking a small icing nozzle, use the bottom to make a little indentation.  The larger palette on top of the cake was made out of marzipan and again dotted with candy melts in different colours and the paint brush made out of fondant.

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The remaining cake pops (which were also chocolate) were covered in white mint candy melts and then again, using the ends of cake pops sticks I splashed with alternate colours (again, messy business that made me rue the white tshirt I was wearing!) I actually used small batches of royal icing tinted with various colours for this.

art cake splashing

The customer was really pleased which made all the mess worthwhile 🙂

“Just to say the cakes were amazing! They looked fantastic and tasted divine! Everyone commented on them!”

art cakes

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