A Kuroshitsuji blog dedicated to fan discussion about Black Butler, with emphasis on the Phantomhive twins.
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Soma’s Movements



Chapter 148 opens with a broken Prince Soma walking through the streets.


This is a heartbreaking scene, it’s not certain how he got here. The last we saw him, he was with Sieglinde - and swearing revenge.


It’s doubtful that Sieglinde would have just let him go when he was injured and in a rough emotional state. Plus, a lot of time hasn’t passed. Unless our!Ciel has been hanging out with Lau for a week now and we just haven’t seen it,  it couldn’t be more than a couple of days. This means that in this short period of time, Soma has left Sieglinde’s place, returned to the townhouse, retrieved Agni’s body, had him cremated, and is now walking to the ports.

He’s done a lot in a very little time.

So where is Sieglinde? Did she try to stop him? How did Soma move Agni’s body to have it cremated? 

So many questions.

It puzzled me to about this chapter. It MUST take place at least few days after events of last chapter. Even if Soma ran away from Sieg and Wolf at the first chance he got, going back to the townhouse (probabbly not knowing how he can get there from their house) and cremating whole body (with some proper ceremonies) would take a lot of time.

I have the same questions…but I have a feeling Yana will answer them in time, probably in a flashback.

(via ajzan)

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    I have the same questions…but I have a feeling Yana will answer them in time, probably in a flashback.
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