Supporting SMEs to thrive through Planning and Creating simple streamlined business processes to maximise their key resources of time, people and money.

Michelle Brand was established in 2016 because it became clear so many  owners of SMEs are overwhelmed with everything they think they ‘must do’ in their business, existing often in chaos with little  planning or organisation.

virtual assistant, contact


Hi I’m Michelle and I’m a straight-talking, no faffing Business Consultant with a passion for supporting owners of SMEs to fall in love with their business again. Sharing my 30+ years of knowledge and experience to teach you there is a better way to achieve your goals AND avoid burnout.

My mission is to support as many SMEs to Thrive through Planning and Creating simple streamlined business processes. In turn you will be able to maximise your resources of time, people and money.

I live my life by the quote on my tattoo ‘Live the life you love, love the life you live’. If you are ready to fall back in love with your business, get in touch. I’d be delighted to support you on your journey.

Find out more ways I can support you here.

I am not the hand holding type, but I promise to work with you and guide you to work smarter not harder.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout?

Are you drowing with everything you have to do and never have a enough hours in the day?


Outsource to me and I will support you to delegate the tasks that you don’t have to do. 

I will support you to manage the time you have and make more efficient use of it.

By organising you in such a way that we free up your brain for what you actually want to be doing. You will get that feeling of accomplishment from being able to make a genuine difference again.


Working in partnership with the right support can be like having a business partner to help you strategise, plan and propel your business forward.

A former Executive referred to me as his ‘second brain’. I can be that for you too.

Let me be:

  • An additional set of eyes on your business.
  • A sounding board to toss ideas about.
  • A strategic planning partner to support in the creation of your plans.
  • An implementation partner to support the deliver of your plan.


I see you watching all the trianings, following everyone on social media, reading all the books and doing ‘all the stuff’. YET you are still asking “Why is everyone else able to do it and I can’t?”


With the right plan, support and tools in your arsenal, you will learn quickly how to reduce distractions and manage your time better.

  • You would work with a nutrition expert if you wanted to improve your diet.
  • You would work with a sports coach if you wanted to improve your performance.
  • You would work with a driving instructor if you wanted to learn to drive a car.

WHY have you not worked with a Business consultant to help and support you drive your business forward?

You know time is your most valuable asset and likely your scarcest resource. Together we can work to change this.

One simple change can free up 4-hours of your time. YES, I did say CHANGE!

I know change can be scary, but so too is continuing as you are.

You know the life you want, you can see it, but you are just not there yet.

You have the skills you just need someone to guide you. Let me guide you.


I am a realistic optimist and understand that none of us can do it all – creating a plan and then priorities is key to any success.

I am naturally organised and always the one organising then nights out and group travel. 

To be honest, I prefer it that way – at least I know there is a plan and it is going to happen.

A single mum, with over 30 years of corporate experience, working with busy executives; and FIRST HAND experience of setting up and running a successful business while balancing a 9-5.

I did all this at the same time as training and competing internationally to win three European Powerlifting Championships.

So yes, I do have what it takes to power you through to success.

I am the perfect person to help you master your productivity and execute and deliver your plan.

I will guide you to work smarter and get more done. I will guide you to find the processes to free you from time-sucking habits.

As your Business Consultant I will support you to move from chaos to clarity and overwhelm to organised.

Finally you will be able to live that life of freedom and fulfilment you long desired.  Apply here to work with me and together let’s get you back on track to achieving your goals.