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My Princess

imageI have to say that this drama left me confused. till the very end.

Infact, im still confused.

Synopsis. Lee Seol, an average college girl who has a crush on her professor finds out that she is a princess. In the midst of all this she starts falling for Park Hae Young, the son of the Daehan group whose grandfather is trying to put the imperial empire back together starting with her…

So of course Lee Seol goes through a bunch trial and tribulations throughout the entire series. She also at one point isnt even sure she wants to be the princess. But I mean shes got people against her, even her own sister at one point.


The girl cant remember her past and little by little by kind of reliving her past she is able to remember pieces which help to carry the story along.

Now my confusion is based around the love story here. Why cant Hae Young and Lee Soel be together while shes the princess? maybe its a political thing? /shrugs

Their relationship develops nicely though. Ups and downs as any relationship goes.


But of course you have to throw in the…. other girl… who happens to be a… yea… YOU KNOW WHAT SHE IS. I dont even have to say it.


Now, I like the ending. It was cute. The kissing was…. glorious! Havent seen kissing like that in a drama yet. Sorry. It had to be noted. IT WAS NOTEWORTHY!


It still didnt close the story tho.
Are they getting married? Whats going to happen when she gets on the plane and im assuming has to go back?

I dont know this story left too many hole and too many questions unanswered for me. 

I actually am just going to end my review here… there no point in continuing to write one…. 


OH I will say one thing tho… LOVED Gikwang’s (B2ST) performance in this… He was adorable!


Score: 5

It was good, confusing but good =)

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