Home > Fruit, Tip > How to unwrap a pomegranate

How to unwrap a pomegranate


Pomegranates are one of the gifts of autumn and winter, but as happen with some gifts sometimes they are quite difficult to unwrap. But once you learn this trick it will be no longer something difficult.

Start cutting the pomegranate in two. For each part place it over a recipient big enough and tighten a bit. Then bash a spoon against the pomegranate, but don’t hold the spoon near the part used to carry the food because it won’t work very well. Instead hold the spoon on the extrem, this way the bash will be much stronger removing the seeds easily. Rotate the pomegranate so continue bashing in the parts there are still seed until empty.

Pomegranate unwrapped

Music played in the video (Airport Lounge) was composed by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com), also he is the owner of song’s rights which are released under a CC-BY license.

Categories: Fruit, Tip
  1. José Luis
    August 19, 2014 at 17:55

    La receta está mejor si le echas un poquito de vino tinto. Con tres cucharadas soperas para el tamaño del vaso que se ve en tu receta, basta. Un saludo. No está mal tu blog, pero se nota que no eres de aquí… 😉

  2. José Luis
    August 19, 2014 at 17:59

    Por cierto, los granos de la granada no se sacan a golpes. La granada se pela primero con la mano (sin cuchillo) y, después, se desmenuza con los dedos….

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