Open Thread: Winter Sonata Episodes 3 & 4

Welcome to the Open Thread, everyone! Thanks for joining us for this fated commemorative group watch of Winter Sonata! I hope you’re enjoying Trent’s notes; I know I am! 🤩



1. We will be adopting a ZERO SPOILER POLICY for this Open Thread, except for events that have happened in the show, up to this point.

The spoiler tags don’t work in email notifications, therefore, please take note that WE WILL NOT BE USING SPOILER TAGS FOR THIS OPEN THREAD. 

ANY AND ALL SPOILERS WILL BE REDACTED to protect first-time viewers in our midst (although, I’d appreciate it if you would save me the trouble of having to redact spoilers, heh 😅).

This includes, but is not limited to, how characters &/or relationships develop, later in the show.

We need to protect the innocent! 😉


2. HOWEVER!! If you’d like to discuss spoilers from a rewatcher’s point of view, I’ve created a SPOILER ZONE for you, where you can discuss all the spoilers you’d like, without the need for spoiler warnings. You can find it here!

Without further ado, here are Trent’s reactions to this set of episodes; have fun in the Open Thread, everyone! ❤️

Trent’s thoughts


*brief programming note that may be of some interest?* 

Autumn in My Heart is coming to Viki, and it looks like it’s set to drop next Wednesday (Jan. 25th).

As I mentioned last week, this was the first drama of director Yoon Seok-ho’s “Endless Love” tetralogy, and the forerunner to Winter Sonata, and I made several references to it in the first couple episode notes.

It’s got baby Song Hye-kyo, broody Song Seung-heon–Won Bin scratches his head and does his best James Dean–romantic piano motifs at every turn, more angst than you can shake a stick at!

Of course, you should stay plugged into our Winter Sonata group watch, but if that doesn’t slake your thirst for classic hallyu melodrama, well. Go check it out!

** Just popping in to say that another alternative, is, if you guys are super into the idea, Trent *might* be persuaded to anchor a future group watch of Autumn In My Heart – or some other retro drama that would benefit from the very special, delicious snark-tastic treatment that only Trent is gifted to give? 😉 Let us know your thoughts about this, in the comments! ~KFG ❤️

Episode 3

Okay, okay, okay. I knew we were going to be getting up to shenanigans. Really, I did!

I mean, this is classic melodrama, where shenanigans are pretty much baked into the cake, right? But! I don’t know if I expected shenanigans quite this early. Silly me, no biscuit! 🤣

To what do I refer? Let me explain.

As you will no doubt recall, when last we left our dewy-eyed young lovers, the Truck of Doom had presumably just sent Jun-sang flying into the next county.

And so I speculated that

1) obviously our ML wasn’t dead;

2) we would, however, maybe be getting some amnesia action?; and

3) it was time for the predicted time skip.

And I was mostly right, I think? Maybe?

Hard to say for sure, since show is determined to have some fun with us.

See, we can already tell that our show’s credo appears to be “let’s toy with our audience for maximal emotional effect” whenever possible.

Which means that we’ve been left wondering if our boy survived his rendezvous with the front end of Ahjeossi’s delivery truck. 

Then, just when we are taking solace from the thought that OF COURSE show wouldn’t kill off its ML (as indeed I was just saying, right?), show is like “Ha, FOOLS! You underestimate me!” 😈

So. As the episode opens, Yu-jin, late to morning class as usual, is monologuing to herself over Jun-sang’s failure to show up at the market the night before, alternately chewing him out and then pretending that she doesn’t care, so there! 

But then she walks into class to find that everyone is super upset and most are in tears, and when she’s like, yo, what’s up?

Her classmate is all, Jun-sang is dead. And Yu-jin is like, the hell you say.

So then Chae-rin is like, Jun-sang is DEAD (sob, sob 😭😭). 

Well, that turns on the waterworks on Yu-jin’s face (it never fails to amaze me how actors can just cry on demand…) and she goes rushing out of the room, pursued by Sang-hyuk, who grabs hold of Yu-jin as she rambles incoherently about how she has to find Jun-sang, she has to tell him something, etc. 

Then we cut to a bleak winter landscape and the gang all assembled out on the lakeside dock, where they burn paper to memorialize Jun-sang’s passing and say goodby to him.

Then of course Chae-rin, being the designated beeyotch in this here production, has to yell at Yu-jin about how it is ALL HER FAULT, since Jun-sang was on his way to see Yu-jin when he got rudely pancaked by a Mack truck (Q: how does Ms. Catty even know that? Who told her?).

Notably, we are shown no formal funeral, no dead body, no grave marker or cenotaph.

We are essentially relying on the word of an as-yet unspecified someone that Jun-sang has gone and f#%$ed off to join the choir invisible 😇🎶. I expect this to become relevant at some point, so make note, Watson. 

Yu-jin goes home to find a cassette tape that was mailed to her by Jun-sang before he left, waiting for her on her desk.  It’s a recording that he made of the song (“First Time”) that he played for her, so she listens and has a good hard cry.

Okay, so here we are, now can we have our time skip? YES!

We jump forward an unspecified period of time (comments later in the episode seem to peg it at a 10 year skip [ed. note: later episodes clarify that it has in fact been ten years]). 

Which is good, since it aligns the characters’ ages more or less with their actors’ actual ages, and as a result, our characters no longer look like weirdly mature high school students. Which is more of a relief than I thought it would be, to tell you the truth.

Anyway. The curtain rises on a new age, and we meet Yu-jin (with a nice new sort of pixie bob cut) running around on a construction site. It looks like she’s working as some kind of designer for an interior design firm called Polaris.

In a delightful bit of news, she is still running to catch buses, and still sitting in the back corner of the bus. Our girl is consistent, ay?

We also learn that Sang-hyuk is working as a producer at a classical music radio station. 

When Sang-hyuk gets off work, he heads to the jewelry store to pick up a ring, and we learn that his engagement ceremony is tomorrow evening. (Please please please tell me he’s not engaged to Yu-jin…😟).

Yu-jin is standing out on the street, where she’s approached by a kind of pushy lady with a fortune teller vibe, who tells Yu-jin she can see a man who has left her (ooooh), and asks if Yu-jin if she wants him back (ooooh).

Just then, Sang-hyuk strolls up and is all, nope, it’s me! (RATS! It looks like Sang-hyuk and Yu-jin are, in fact, engaged.😒)  

They sit down at a restaurant and are going over logistics for their formal engagement ceremony; Sang-hyuk pulls out the ring to show Yu-jin, and she tries it on, while Sang-hyuk reminisces about how when they were little, people said they looked alike.

Yu-jin laughs and recalls how after they got haircuts the lady at the salon asked if they were twins, and I’m sorry but after the hints and quasi-revelations of last episode, I’m just a leeetle bit incest-shy, okay?

Is that so wrong? So if you could just stop throwing hints about how much they used to look alike, show, like oh, maybe siblings or something….Sheesh. 

(I don’t think this is going anywhere, to be clear. At most, it’s just show messing with our heads a bit. Thanks, show!)

(Although…after a bit of reflection, it hits me that if there is going to be a birth-secret connection, I would much rather it be with Sang-hyuk (assuming we can dispose of this inconvenient engagement somehow) rather than currently-dead-and-in-need-of-resurrection Jun-sang, who appears, after all, to be the fated love of the piece.

Again, to be clear, I don’t know what happens at this point, this is just me idly speculating. For funsies, you know? 😁)

Sang-hyuk drives Yu-jin back to her apartment, and then he swoops in for a good night kiss, which Yu-jin avoids…smiling and in good humor, but definitely avoids.

And I’m just gonna say, there’s already a bit of a weird vibe between them, romantically speaking.

Sang-hyuk is clearly besotted with Yu-jin, as he has been from the beginning of the show; meanwhile, the feeling that she projects is that Sang-hyuk is a close and treasured friend of long standing, but not really a lover.

The impression already is that this is a couple that haven’t really gone beyond the holding-hands stage. Which…um…okay? 

The next morning, Yu-jin is rushing around the apartment getting stuff ready for the engagement ceremony after work while her roommate talks to her. 

We see that her roommate is a member of the original gang from the high school broadcasting club, who at this point I’m just going to tag as the 3FL (but her name is Jin-sook).

Jin-sook mentions that the forecast says that it’s going to be “first snow” later in the day, and I trust I need not remind everyone of the loaded symbolism around first snow in kdrama lore, right?

Particularly since it was “first snow” when Yu-jin and Jun-sang snuck off to Namiseom for the second time (but first–so far only–kiss!)… 

At work, Yu-jin’s colleagues are talking up the hotshot new director of the architectural firm they are angling to work with on a new project.

Supposedly he’s won a bunch of awards and has a great background, and Yu-jin’s colleague tells Yu-jin that if he happens to be good looking too, then “he’s got it all.”

Yu-jin says she hasn’t met him yet, then announces that she’s knocking off a bit early, and that she’ll drop off the plans they’ve been prepping to the other firm on the way. 

So Yu-jin is trotting down the crowded, busy street, when suddenly in the distance, she catches sight of a guy that seems to…OMG! Does he look like…Jun-sang?!

Yu-jin pauses, peers hesitantly around a tree…but she’s lost sight of the dude, so she shakes it off and stops by the other firm (named Marcian) to drop off the revised plans they’ve prepared.

The new director isn’t in, so she leaves them with the deputy director.

While there, she and the deputy director notice and remark on an unfinished jigsaw puzzle that is being carried into the new director’s office; on the way out, Yu-jin sees a puzzle piece lying on the stairs, and pauses to pick it up and put it in her coat pocket.

She then heads off to the salon to have her hair done before the ceremony. 

At the venue, family and friends are assembling; Sang-hyuk’s mother sails in wearing the traditional hanbok, and we learn that she doesn’t really care for Yu-jin and only consented to the match because Sang-hyuk likes her so much. So…standard mother in law fare, I guess? 😜.

Yu-jin finishes up at the salon and rushes down the street to make it to the ceremony on time.

As forecast, it has indeed started snowing, and Yu-jin takes a moment to look up and enjoy.

When she looks down at the street again…There! Up ahead! Again she sees a guy who bears an uncanny resemblance to the long-lost Jun-sang  (fashionably mussed hair style and fashionable glasses aside). 

He’s closer this time; Yu-jin’s sang-froid has fled entirely to the wind.

All of a sudden he turns down a side avenue, and Yu-jin is jolted to action. She chases after the guy, through the crowded street, but although she catches glimpses of him, she just can’t catch up.

Meanwhile, the guests and relations have all assembled at the ceremony location, and are growing increasingly restive as the prospective bride continues to be a no-show.

Yu-jin continues to stumble through the streets, until she eventually gives up and wanders in a daze to the ceremony. 

But by the time Yu-jin arrives at the venue, it is hopelessly late and everyone except Sang-hyuk and the parents have already left.

And look, I get that the shock of seeing the doppelganger of your presumed-dead first love wandering the streets ten years later is going to throw you off your game, but… it’s just such a huge social faux-pas–downright rude–to just leave the assembled company waiting in vain for your arrival like that.

I understand that it’s meant to convey how affected Yu-jin is, how much she’s still tied to the memory and image of Jun-sang, but not gonna lie, it still kind of grates. I’m kind of chagrined/embarrassed on her behalf 😳😞.

Well, when Yu-jin finally shows up, naturally Sang-hyuk’s mother is…not impressed. But of course Sang-hyuk himself doesn’t act overly upset (no doubt at least in part because Yu-jin is acting all dazed, before collapsing in a faint).

Yu-jin’s mom puts her to bed, and then after Yu-jin assures her nothing’s wrong between her and Sang-hyuk, mom is…not exactly a well of empathy, alas. 

Next day, Yu-jin goes to Sang-hyuk’s house to apologize.

Mother is not having it (won’t meet with Yu-jin at all), but Sang-hyuk is all Mr. Noble-and-Magnanimous, not even pressing for a detailed explanation of why Yu-jin didn’t make it to the ceremony–didn’t even give a word of forewarning–just assuring her that he will always be there for her (and I gotta interject: easy enough to do when nobility comes cheap; let’s see if our boy reverts to form (jealous and petty) when actual competition re-emerges…).

Later, Yu-jin is in her room, looking at the picture she drew of Jun-sang, listening to the tape he made for her, writing out her stream-of-conscious thoughts about him.  Then she leaves to wander the streets some more.

Sang-hyuk shows up at her apartment.

Informed by Jin-sook that Yu-jin isn’t there, Sang-hyuk goes into her room (is that a thing?  Seems a bit boundary trespass-y to me, even if he is her fiancé) and of course he sees all her innermost thoughts about Jun-sang written out on her notepad. 

So Sang-hyuk rushes out to find her, and eventually runs into Yu-jin sitting by herself on the street. 

He tells her she can tell him anything (be careful what you wish for, dude), and that he will wait for her (presumably to work through her residual Jun-sang issues?) and then he starts pondering about how if only HE had been the one to find her that night at the cabin, would she have fallen in love with HIM instead? 

And dude, NO!  You just don’t get it, do you? You were NOT THE FATED ONE. It was never going to happen! Don’t torture yourself with “what ifs,” you know?  

Now, of course, Yu-jin’s emotions are all in a muddle, and she’s all teary-eyed, and Sang-hyuk is being all empathetic and understanding (and not to downplay that, seriously! That’s great!).

So then Yu-jin decides to grow up and be responsible, and goes and burns her drawing of Jun-sang and says goodbye to him in her heart.

And uh…sounds nice and all, but we’ve still got 17 episodes here, so I think the best-laid plans of Jung Yu-jin are definitely going to have to yield to the iron demands of fate, right? Sorry, Yu-jin. 😥

Back at work, Yu-jin gets an email from Chae-rin of all people, which is all breezy and like, long time no see, girlfriend! I’ve been back from France for awhile, I’ve heard what you all have been up to, we should get together to chat, and oh, by the way, I have a BIG SURPRISE! 🤔

Now, my friends, that there is the sounding of the trumpet calling forth shenanigans-town to come out to play.

Jin-sook and the other friend from the old broadcasting club (who I’m going to tag as the 3ML; his name is Yong-gook) got the same email from Chae-rin.

So they get to talking together and hit upon the grand idea to arrange a “surprise” informal engagement ceremony for Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk.

Then they tell Sang-hyuk (so Yu-jin is the only one truly surprised), and at the appointed hour, they all traipse off to the old high school back in Chuncheon. 

Sang-hyuk takes Yu-jin out to the athletic field and they exchange rings, and then the four of them all gather in the old broadcast club room to have cake.

BUT. Of course our organizers have also invited Chae-rin (THAT FOX! 🦊 …okay, wrong show, but right sentiment (yes, this a plug for all of you who haven’t seen Yumi’s Cells yet to rectify that omission)) to the happy event, so they all blow out candles on the cake, and Chae-rin is muttering to herself “why is he so late?” as Jin-sook is spinning up “that song Yu-jin used to play so much,” which of course is “First Time.”

And right as it is playing, the door opens, and a dude walks in with a smile on his face, and (drumroll, please, although is anyone surprised?) IT IS JUN-SANG THE RESURRECTED. CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH FROM THE CONGREGATION?! 😮😇🤪🤪

Except, then Chae-rin introduces him to everyone as “Lee Min-hyung,” her new boyfriend who she met in France. 

And this Min-hyung dude says hello to everyone, with zero indication that he recognizes anyone or has ever seen any of them before.

Then he turns to Chae-rin and is like, we’re leaving, right? And Chae-rin is all, yeah, you go first, I’ll be right along. 

Of course the foursome are all standing there like a herd of poleaxed oxen, so Chae-rin kind of faux-innocently remarks how “oh, yeah, isn’t it a really close resemblance, haha? I was shocked at first myself!” And then Chae-rin is like, well gotta run, later dudes, and off she goes. 

It is clear from how Min-hyung doesn’t recognize anyone there that our amnesia theory is looking pretty good at this point…unless Jun-sang had an identical twin stashed somewhere, which I am not ruling out at the moment, just so you know.

From the look on Chae-rin (THAT FOX 🦊)’s face, both where the others can see as well as while she’s walking away, it is clear that she knows exactly the effect this whole “big surprise” is having, and she is absolutely reveling in being able to throw a big ol’ stink bomb into the middle of everyone’s lives.

As she and Min-hyung drive away Min-hyung is all, so, why did your friends seem so surprised to see me? And Chae-rin is all, yeah, about that…must be because you’re the first boyfriend I’ve introduced them to, heheh. 😤

I believe we may have found the villain of the piece! At least for now…

The next day, Yu-jin is off to give her company’s presentation for working on the ski resort project to the new director at Marcian.

As she’s on the bus riding over, she calls up Sang-hyuk and tells him not to be worried about her, she’s doing fine and doesn’t want him to be concerned for her.

She arrives at the building, and is ushered into the new director’s office to await his arrival.

While waiting, she notices that the jigsaw puzzle in the director’s office has been completed, all except for one missing piece. 

So she reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out the piece she picked up from the stairs on her last visit, and fits it into place, completing the puzzle.  NICE SYMBOLISM, SHOW! …or is it foreshadowing?  Or both!  (she completes him, you know?) Hmmmm.

Just then, the door opens. Yu-jin turns to see the new director standing there. 

Three guesses who it is (and the first two don’t count). YES. It is Lee Min-hyung aka Jun-sang (or his doppelganger?). 어떻게 ?! The curtain falls on Yu-jin’s frozen face. 


Episode 4

Alright, so I can kind of see an outline taking shape here.

Our main couple fall in love as high school students in the first couple episodes, then for still-hazy family or birth-secret reasons, the ML determines that the relationship can’t continue to develop, and he’s going to ghost on outta there.

Then the big Truck of Doom event happens, and we skip forward ten years to round two.

Meaning, our couple are basically going to fall in love all over again.

Our FL, of course, has never really gotten over that first love, and while of course the ML doesn’t remember a thing (or is a twin? I regard this as unlikely but not impossible at this point) he is nevertheless drawn to our girl.

Unfortunately, my crystal ball…gets murky again after that.

Other than that there will probably be a second (or even third!) accident or tragedy to split them up, and that someone or someones will be dead by the final frame. Because that’s just how the classic melos roll, you know? 😥

Anyway. Our episode opens with Yu-jin’s emotions all askew as the new director at Marcian (the firm her company is looking to partner with on the project) turns out to be Min-hyung, aka  “not-Junsang.”

He recognizes Yu-jin…as one of Chae-rin’s friends. What a coincidence! he says with a smile.  Uh, yah think, dude? If you only knew….

They sit down at the table to go over the plans. Yu-jin can’t stop staring at him, and of course Min-hyung notices and jokes about it but is also kind of weirded out.

He asks if she’s all right; Yu-jin starts leaking tears, mumbling out an excuse before rushing out of the room as her feelz overwhelm her 😭. Min-hyung’s face is all, huh, am I that much of an abrasive bastard?

Later, Min-hyung is eating takeout in the office with his minion (the deputy director), and asks him, so, what does it mean when a woman stares at you for awhile and then just starts crying out of the blue? (good question!! 🤔).

Meanwhile, Yu-jin hasn’t gone back to her office, but has apparently been riding around aimlessly on the bus.

It looks like Chae-rin is actually preparing to open her own high-end clothing boutique, and Yu-jin eventually finds her way there. 

Chae-rin makes them tea, and starts burbling about how she’s going to make Yu-jin’s wedding dress for her, so make sure to give her plenty of lead time, okay?

Yu-jin starts to bring up the subject of her visit, and Chae-rin is all like, yes, yes, I know, I knew you would come to ask me about it. After I introduced you to Min-hyung the other day, I regretted it; I thought it might remind you of the past (🙄), he really does look a lot like Jun-sang, doesn’t he?

(the fake sympathy dripping off Chae-rin’s face here is really something.  What a pill…)

Yu-jin asks how and where Chae-rin met him, and if he really did grow up in the U.S.? Is she sure he isn’t Jun-sang? 

Of course, that’s not the sort of challenge that Chae-rin is going to take lying down, so she’s like, do I have to go into all these details just because Min-hyung looks like Jun-sang? He’s got nothing to do with Jun-sang, who as you know, is dead. It would be weird to like someone just because he looks like a dead guy, right?

Yu-jin is all, I know, I know…I should go…bye.

Later, Sang-hyuk meets Yu-jin and they go for drinks; he asks why she seems down, and if the new director didn’t like her presentation; if he didn’t like it, he must be really strange. 

And Yu-jin is kind of like, yeah, he is strange. Sang-hyuk is all, buck up, li’l camper, I’m always in your corner, you know? 🤗

The next morning, back in Min-hyung’s office, he and his minion are talking about how someone from Polaris (Yu-jin’s company) is coming by to go over the joint project contract.

When the Polaris rep arrives, it’s Yu-jin’s colleague (Jeong-ah), and Min-hyung is like, where’s the other one.  Jeong-ah is like, well, she was busy, and I’m the one who usually signs contracts.

Then Min-hyung is like, we still need to do the full project presentation, is Yu-jin doing that? And she’s all, nope, it’s me; Yu-jin’s assigned to another project now. 

So of course Min-hyung is all, well…we’ll sign the contract…on ONE condition (bet you can guess what it is). 

So then Jeong-ah takes Yu-jin to lunch to celebrate the signing of the contract with Marcian, and then casually slips in that, oh yeah, Lee Min-hyung said his one condition is that you, Yu-jin, have to be in charge of the project from our side.

Yu-jin wants to say eff alla that, not wanting to be stuck working on the project with the dude who looks just like her lost first love, and who is oh-by-the-way dating her super-catty and inclined-to-jealousy high school “friend.” 

And oh yeah, in the meantime, Yu-jin is engaged to a close long-time friend who she likes but doesn’t really love.

So Yu-jin makes her presentation to the Marcian board, and then she and Min-hyung sit down again in his office to go over details, and Min-hyung is speculating that she doesn’t like him, and she counters that one can like the project and not the people involved.

Min-hyung is all, well if we’re working on a project, we should get to know each other better… if you’re hungry, let’s go grab some dinner.  (written out, it sounds like he’s hitting on her, but I think the vibe is really more casual and non-romantic than that). 

But she’s like, nope, sorry, see ya!

Yu-jin comes out to find Sang-hyuk waiting for her, and as they head off to go to dinner together, the deputy director comes out and says “hi” as he’s leaving for the night.

Sang-hyuk casually assumes that he’s the “strange director,” and Yu-jin, rather than correct him, just allows his assumption to stand. 

Min-hyung goes to the grand opening of Chae-rin’s boutique, where he receives a big hug from Chae-rin (which I do believe is the most skinship we’ve seen thus far, notwithstanding that “first kiss” on Namiseom).

They head to a bar, and Chae-rin mentions that it’s frustrating that Min-hyung won’t get a place, but just keeps living out of a hotel room. 

He’s like, you build your true home in the heart of the one you love…which makes Chae-rin perk up momentarily, until he says he’s not ready to build that home yet. 

Min-hyung brings up the interior designer he’s working with on his new project (why?! 😑) and keeps trying to get Chae-rin interested in knowing more and goading her into asking him to tell her about them. 

Chae-rin keeps putting him off and refusing to take his bait, until she finally leaves. 

So…looks like we have another kind of slightly weird relationship on our hands, no?  

Then we arrive at the centerpiece of this episode, our first trip out to the actual ski resort.

Jeong-ah is supposed to go on a site visit with someone from Marcian, but at the last minute she can’t go, so she taps Yu-jin to take her place.

The deputy director was supposed to be representing Marcian, but Yu-jin arrives to find that he’s also been subbed out at the last minute, and it is now Min-hyung going in his stead.

So there the two of them are, driving off to the winter wonderland together. Min-hyung keeps trying to make conversation while Yu-jin tries to ignore him.

This leads to Min-hyung analyzing her engagement ring (too shiny to be her type); commenting on how people in love are supposed to be all aglow, but she just looks gloomy; and then breaking down her personality traits.

This in turn prompts Yu-jin to be like, boundaries, dude! (which, good for her, he is being kind of intrusively personal at this point). 

Meanwhile, Chae-rin swings by Min-hyung’s office, only to find he is not there. She sits down with his minion to chat over tea and learns that Min-hyung has gone to the ski resort for a site visit.

Of course, minion also can’t resist dropping the tidbit that Min-hyung was accompanied by “a gorgeous woman from our partner company.” Which, uh, is definitely going to soothe Chae-rin’s raging insecurity, right? 😮

Out at the snowy resort, Yu-jin and Min-hyung traipse around going over blueprints and  learning about the project, usually accompanied by workers, but sometimes alone. 

Yu-jin snaps photos of the buildings and fixtures from various angles, but also finds herself continually thinking back on scenes from her time at Namiseom with Jun-sang…which results in her snapping rather a lot of photos of Min-hyung while he (mostly) isn’t looking. 

Yu-jin fields a call from Sang-hyuk, who learns for the first time that Yu-jin is out at the resort on a site visit–last minute, didn’t have a chance to tell you, sorry…

Sang-hyuk asks if Yu-jin went with Jeong-ah, and Yu-jin is all, uh…yes. Sang-hyuk is like, okay, I’ll just grab a drink with Yong-gook; say hello to Jeong-ah. (yeah, this definitely isn’t going to come back to bite our girl in the butt… 😬).

Then as Yu-jin and Min-hyuk are walking together in the snow, he asks her if she and her fiancé have a house picked out, and Yu-jin is like, if you truly love someone, the best home is the one you have in each other’s hearts…WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT MIN-HYUNG JUST SAID TO CHAE-RIN. 🥰.

Needless to say, this makes quite the impression on Min-hyung; clearly he is getting more and more interested in this lady.

After sundown, the two of them head into an empty lodge and start a fire to dry their shoes.

All this recalling of various memories of time spent with Jun-sang has Yu-jin feeling all the feelz, and so she finally breaks down and starts asking Min-hyung a chain of questions, like did he really go to HS in the US? Did he grow up there? Did he never go to Chuncheon?

Does he remember a high school there? She asks if he might take his glasses off for just a moment; he wonders why she acts strangely around him. 

She trembles on the edge of starting to explain…when just then, there’s a sound at the door. Min-hyung opens it, to find…Chae-rin (🦊)! 

Chae-rin (no doubt with thoughts of “gorgeous woman” keeping Min-hyung company) has come to surprise her oppa! YIKES!

Of course, Chae-rin is way too much of a pro to go straight to DEFCON 5 right off the bat.

Instead she plays it up like, oh this is so cool that you guys are working on this project together! She even calls Yu-jin her “best friend,” which is an obvious lie 🤢, and demands that Min-hyung “treat her well.”

Chae-rin and Yu-jin drive back to the city together while Min-hyung goes separately.

Meanwhile, Sang-hyuk has gone to pick up Yong-gook, who is working as a veterinarian, and he totally coincidentally runs into Jeong-ah, who is there to pick up her dog. So now Sang-hyuk knows that Yu-jin lied to him about Jeong-ah accompanying her on the trip.

Later, Sang-hyuk, Yong-gook, and Jeong-ah are out for dinner, and Jeong-ah starts asking Sang-hyuk if he’s noticed how Yu-jin is different lately, how she seems kind of depressed?

And then she starts asking him about the last time they went to a movie, and if he’s been paying attention to her and so on.

Afterwards, Sang-hyuk (who is kind of tipsy at this point), goes by Yu-jin’s place. He asks her again if she went to the resort with Jeong-ah, and Yu-jin reaffirms her lie that she did.

Rather than pursue it, Sang-hyuk asks her if she will go on a date with him tomorrow, maybe to a movie and for a drive.

Alas, the next day all the movies are sold out, so they end up at a classy bar. 

As they’re talking, Marcian’s deputy director and some of his colleagues come in. Sang-hyuk asks if that’s the director, and Yu-jin once again is like…yeees. Sang-hyuk proposes they go somewhere else, so Yu-jin gets up and heads out.

As Sang-hyuk starts to follow, he overhears the conversation, where the deputy director is all talking about how the director wants this, and I’m only the deputy director…so now Sang-hyuk knows that Yu-jin has deliberately told him two lies. 

So now driving in the car, Sang-hyuk eventually takes a couple of kind of noble-but-dim boyfriend attempts at getting Yu-jin to come clean, observing that she “seems different,” and asking if there’s anything she “hasn’t told him,” or if there’s anything she’s “hiding from  him?”

Yu-jin just looks at him and says “no.”

So Sang-hyuk is all, well, if you didn’t tell me, you no doubt had your reasons.  Sorry if I was a bit sensitive today. 😖.

The next day at work, Yu-jin learns that Jeong-ah ran into Sang-hyuk the night before, so of course he knows Jeong-ah wasn’t on the site visit, and therefore, he also knows she lied to him. Oops. 

Meanwhile, Sang-hyuk runs into Chae-rin at the radio station, who in the course of their encounter, 1) realizes Sang-hyuk doesn’t yet realize that Yu-jin is working directly with Min-hyung on the project, meaning that Yu-jin has apparently gone out of her way not to tell him, and 2) overhears his brief phone convo with Yu-jin, making plans to meet later that evening at a certain time and restaurant.

Okay, so I’m bending over backward at this point to try to have some empathy for Chae-rin.

If you had a very good-looking boyfriend and were kind of insecure about it, and also knew that your very beautiful “friend” (although let’s be scrupulously honest here—Park Sol-mi (Chae-rin) is quite attractive herself) had previously had a thing for a dude who is at the very least the spittin’ image of your current boyfriend, well.

Of course you would have some issues, and would be inclined to be defensive and protective of your relationship prerogatives. All well and good, right?

BUT. That still doesn’t excuse Chae-rin’s actions from this point. Chae-rin (🦊!) is clearly a dedicated, inveterate shit-stirrer, taking actual pleasure in being toxic and mean in the guise of being nice. 😣😤

The way that plays out here is that Chae-rin takes Min-hyung along to the cafe where Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk are meeting so that they can “accidentally” run into them.

And of course, right off the bat, Min-hyung says to Yu-jin, oh, you looked so cold yesterday, have you rested? Yu-jin gets a sort of “busted!” look on her face; Sang-hyuk looks kind of confused.

So naturally, Chae-rin jumps in and says to Sang-hyuk, oh, you know, I was going to mention it to you earlier, but it seemed like Yu-jin hadn’t said anything, so….but you know, Min-hyung is the director of the ski resort project Yu-jin is working on.

(And c’mon, Chae-rin, you knew perfectly well how this would all play out, you were in fact planning on it).

Sang-hyuk is stunned, Yu-jin is mortified…Chae-rin  (🦊!) is valiantly suppressing a pleased little smirk.

And…curtain! Whew. We got a little mess brewing up nicely here, yes?

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1 year ago

“Chae Rin, that FOX!!”


Easily the best parts of these recaps, thank you Trent. I am always here for Trent narrations of classic dramas, bring them on!!

Can we give Choi Ji Woo a break and not have her have to cry so much? Why do I have a funny feeling there’s going to be more tears to come lol

1 year ago

The scarf game sure is strong in this one, ha. Looking forward to the full count at the end of the watch.

My first encounter with BYJ was in The Legend. His Mane of Glory was truly glorious in it, so this multicoloured mop was bit of a travesty. But hey, it was the “in” style back then. Just see pictures of Korean /Japanese popsters or drama characters in early 2000s. 😁

1 year ago
Reply to  Timescout

Timescout – your comment inspired this photo.

1 year ago

I’m SO enjoying Trent’s observations and all the commentary here. 😄 It’s been fun reading all of ’em and I’ve had many a good laugh (much needed, so thanks).

My own take mostly boils down to heavy eyerolling for Yu Jin’s undying devotion to a dude who’s been dead 10 odd years. They barely knew each other, for crying out loud! It was already autumn when Jung Sang arrived and new year when he exited by way of TOD. So max 3-4 months and they sure as heck didn’t spend every waking moment of it together. Fated love, my a$$! 😆

1 year ago
Reply to  Timescout

but, but, FATE, Timescout!! 😂 can’t escape drama destiny skipping over logic gaps and idealizing the one who got away 😂

1 year ago

Trent – oh me oh my! I am laughing at Fangurl’s comment – “We need to protect the innocent!” (from future angst that is, and yes indeed, we do)

Between the non-kiss and the way that Yu Jin misses the engagement party, one would think that Sang Hyuk would be asking himself if everything really is alright. 🧐

I am with Mom Sang here all the way. I do not approve of this marriage either.

Mom Jung, laying the guilt trip on Yu Jin, really makes me wonder about a lot of things… 🤦‍♀️

Yu-jin’s sang-froid has fled entirely to the wind.” and “Jun-sang has gone and f#%$ed off to join the choir invisible “ and “Now, my friends, that there is the sounding of the trumpet calling forth shenanigans-town to come out to play.” But most importantly….“IT IS JUN-SANG THE RESURRECTED. CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH FROM THE CONGREGATION?!” – LMAO 🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅

ASIDE: After seeing the resurrected, I keep hearing “My Boyfriends Back (and there’s gonna be trouble)“. (Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend’s back). If I were you Sang Hyuk, I’d take a permanent vacation.

But my real questions are “How long did it take them to curl Chae-rin’s hair?, and “Who tied Min Hyung’s flesh colored scarf?”

Note: I have decided to count the number of original scarves that Min Hyung wears and I will count them up as we go. Total to be revealed at last episode. Sigh, he really looks fab-u-lous with these.

The hair highlights! Seriously, a work of art on that beautiful head, which leads me to ask more questions such as “How many colors are in Min Hyung’s hair highlights?”.  The very cool glasses! We can see that his color palate is definitely ‘spring’ and the costume design team all got the message. I like it. Oh, is that buttercream colored jacket in the first scene really leather? Methinks so…

Kwon Hae Hyo – always designated to be a supporting actor but always showing us that he is the real deal.

Hi ho – to the mountains we go. Letting someone wrap their smelly jacket on you is quite the turn on, n’est pas? Also where are your waterproof boots kids? The fire was nice and warm until Chae Rin 🦊showed up and threw cold water everywhere. Yikes.

Sang Hyuk gets the dog from Jeong ah, whom he met while she was getting the dog. 🐶🐺🐶🐺🐕🐩🐕‍🦺 Her questioning his romantic endeavors gets him thinking (Oh No 😱).

Yes people, Yu Jin is depressed! 😞😟🙁😖😢😭

I can see right away that she is going in the Min-hyung direction from those little white lies she agreed to when being questioned by Sang Hyun. She is being pulled in by love, fate and fear of being still married to Sang Hyuk at age 65. The poor girl simply cannot help herself. I cannot blame her. She has her reasons….

Trent, do not bend over too far looking for empathy for Chae Rin 🦊 or you will fall right into the 🦊hole. Yes she is a right piece of work. I can see that you are clearly paying attention to the “friend” dynamics that are going on. That smirk on her face was pure evil 😈🤬😡.

The foursome are all standing there like a herd of poleaxed oxen” LMAO 🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅

Trent – a bloody brilliant analysis of E3 and 4!. 🔥🧨💥👏👏👏👏

1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd

I have a feeling Min-Hyung is a scarf-guy. And a coat/ outwear-guy. He definitely has an enviable collection, and we need a number to that. Thanks for doing God’s work ! 😛

Also, that jacket. Super pretty! I’d been eyeing something similar for my wardrobe, so it was fun to see it pop-up here, 21 years back! xD
That Nikon she used for her documentation (and for taking a few snaps of the doppelganger) is very likely a film camera. And I can be SO sure she forgot those films in his jacket pockets, while being shoved into the car by Chae-Rin. Haha, I’m already so embarrassed for our girl. But I also kinda lost it when she couldn’t help but take those candids. T_T

1 year ago
Reply to  CarpControl

CarpControl – I feel that is is my duty, to acknowledge in some small way, the mighty contribution of the costume design team to society! 💥

WRAP and TWIST ladies and gentlemen, WRAP and TWIST! 🧣🧣🧣

Ha Ha – I saw her take out the film and never noticed what she did with the canisters – you have a good eye CC! 🧐🧐

I am dying laughing over here. 😂🤣😅

1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd

It’s just that I’ve watched too many dramas! xD I’m suspicious of everything that could snowball into the big-reveal, including those fateful pink-mittens!

1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd

Hey-la-day-la indeed! 😂😂😂 Brilliant!

And I am standing 100% behind you in opposing the union of Yu Jin and Sang Hyuk. Dude’s just gonna get hurt. (To be clear, I am standing behind you because I am afraid of Sang Hyuk’s mom.)

1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd

phl1rxd — I am hereby appointing you the official Winter Sonata group watch Keeper of the Scarf Count. It’s a noble duty, which I know you will discharge well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trent

Trent – I take up the heavy mantle of the scarf count, heavy though it may it be, and hearby swear to all that is holy that I will complete my mission.

1 year ago

Love your take on our show’s credo, Trent! I agree, they like to yank our chains. And thanks for the reminders that our OTP are FATED to be together 

At the lake for the funeral rite I thought it was horrible when Che Lin screamed at Yu Jin that it’s her fault Joon Sang is dead since he was going to meet her! Love that Yu Jin is still running for busses and always late! Chae Rin and her scheming ways are already setting my teeth on edge. I thought it was so sad that Sang Hyuk wondered if he had found her first that night on the mountain would she have loved him? I have a feeling being a shoulder to lean on won’t be enough for him. Yu Jin is such a poor communicator. She lies to Sang Hyuk and withholds information from Min Hyung. I found the music in the third episode distractingly strange, especially the scene where Sang Hyuk, Chong Ah, and Yong Gook were in the bar.

Shall we play a game of everyone drinking a shot of soju every time a boom mic shows up in a scene? We’d all be drunk in no time!

1 year ago
Reply to  Cathy


The one above the piano at school was a little sneaky one. Oh dear so funny. You cracked me right up!

You count boom mics and I will count scarves! 🤣😂😅

1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd


Kol (deal)!

1 year ago
Reply to  Cathy


1 year ago
Reply to  Cathy

Cathy — I trust that if I ever forget to remind everyone that our young lovers are FATED to be together, the show will immediately remind us….

I am trying to be sympathetic to our girl Yu-jin because I genuinely think she has some burdens and some past unresolved grief and loss issues, but that’s not to say our girl is a paragon in every field, and she definitely seems to be settling for “good friend of long standing” as being sufficient to build a stable, if not blissfully happy, marriage on. Which might in fact work, if a living breathing reminder of THAT GUY hadn’t just landed in her lap, so to speak…

Snow Flower
Snow Flower
1 year ago

It just occurred to me that renovating a ski resort in winter is not the best business decision. Also, the Chuncheon high school seemed abandoned during the “surprise” engagement ceremony, and yet the broadcast room seemed in perfect order. Unless the whole thing was planned on a weekend.

I liked the scene when Yu Jin sees Min Hyun during the first snowfall and runs after him. The actress conveyed the despair and longing just with her eyes and the music did the rest.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snow Flower

Hey, all must yield not only to FATE, but to keeping up with our seasonal theme. The title says Winter, so Winter it is….

As far as the Chuncheon high school scene, I was just kind of assuming that it was likely a weekend thing (since they all seemed to be off work, for one thing), and one of them had just arranged access with an old teacher or administrator or something.

1 year ago

Hahahahah, Trent! You made my weekend! I CANNOT believe I was bawling my eyes out this last week, watching ep 3-4 & yet here I am, a few days later, hollering! I swear, this is the only way I’m going to survive this angst-fest of a plot!😅

Yu-Jin’s new hairstyle post time-skip seems to be wearing Jun-Sang’s wig from High School. And she’s named her architecture firm ‘Polaris‘. Man, Sang-Hyuk really is in deep denial, lol!🤣

The fortune-teller plus Yu-Jin manically chasing a man with glasses who oddly resembles her dead boyfriend from 10 years ago, brings back the same familiar heart-ache, watching Huang Yuxuan chase Wang Quangsheng through the crowds.
I can see WHY Winter Sonata is considered the grandmother of all dramas. I see elements of it, from Autumn’s Concerto & SD1D (Taiwan), to grand ‘multiple lifetime’ Xianxias from China, to all the dead-schoolmate stories from Japan (particularly recently Silent & Hatsukoi with similar winter landscapes too, Wow.)

Shoutout to Choi Jiwoo, who is a spectacular actor at 26. She captures Yu-Jin’s melancholy, sadness and pain to a T. And through her eyes and body-language alone (she needs no heavy dialogues or frequent scenes of breaking down). Her permanently tear-stained eyes around Min-Hyung speaks volumes about how she never got over Jun-Sang, never got her closure, and that she never truly let him go. My heart bleeds for her.💔

On a more superficial note, did a ML makeover have to involve overly fried, crispy bleached hair? And a very obviously-orange fake-tan? I know he’s coming from the States/ France, where the beauty standards is a bit different.. however, I’ll wait for y’all to name a more iconic duo than Yon-sama and his prescription glasses. He looks impossibly beautiful in ugly specs too! 😍

1 year ago
Reply to  CarpControl

CarpControl – Sang Hyuk is “De King of De Nile”. Full Stop,

Yes, doing this together is the best way to survive this drama. 💖

Last edited 1 year ago by phl1rxd
1 year ago
Reply to  CarpControl

CarpControl — one fun/interesting thing about this watch is definitely tracing all of the themes, tropes, elements that seem to be reflected forward in the dramas that followed in its wake. One reason that I felt like this would be a valuable watch experience, even if the drama itself didn’t measure up. Although so far, I’ve found it pretty interesting just as a show.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trent

And I thought, being a melodrama, the pacing would be quite slow. But by ep 3-4, we’ve already jumped into the meat of the story. Like KFG mentions below, the story is quick to set up the mess that is bound to follow!
I like the element of mystery too- ‘is he? or is he not?’ (Jun-Sang) unlike other similar dramas where we know from the get-go (and it’s just angst and frustration, waiting for them to regain their memory). Yes, it’s an engaging watch so far! Thank you so much for pitching this! ^^

1 year ago

Nicely done, Trent. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by the ten year holding patterns that tend to pop up in kdramas and in particular here, although some shows of late have shorted such timeframes.

Also, the wigs. I find (found) them very distracting. As j3ffc infers, they could have their own character listing and thereby, perhaps their own spin-off drama.

The final conclusion at the end of reading your notes for eps 3 and 4: the kdrama gods have gone full tilt relying on the fickle hand of fate, with some solid popcorn munching scenes going on between times.

1 year ago
Reply to  seankfletcher

Sean — ten years does seem maybe a bit much, particularly for these relationships to be in a holding pattern, but on the other hand, it does kind of fit for getting the character ages aligned and getting them settled into a relatively stable early career situation.

It’s true Chae-rin’s hair is doing who knows what, but I kind of like the ML’s tousled mop look… Although the evident fact that you can trace a direct line from that ‘do to the abomination that is the male characters’ hairstyles in Boys Over Flowers might make me reconsider that viewpoint.

And yes, hang on tight, fate is firmly at the wheel here, I’m afraid 😳.

Last edited 1 year ago by Trent
1 year ago
Reply to  Trent

Well, Groucho did say: Man does not control his own fate. The
women in his life do that for him 😁

1 year ago
Reply to  seankfletcher

Bravo Sean! 🌶🏆🥉🥇🏅🥈🏆

1 year ago
Reply to  seankfletcher

Sean – be careful with the popcorn. You may start throwing it at the screen soon….. 😂😅🤣🙄😂🤣😅

1 year ago

Thanks, Trent! Another great set of notes. I have not seen Yumi’s Cells so cannot appreciate the equation of Chae Rin = 🦊, but she certainly seems to be a pot stirrer to say the least.

I enjoyed the plotting and pacing of the shows this week, although the whole not showing up for your own engagement party (apparently having been struck mute in the process) was very uncomfortable indeed. On the other hand, I think that the associate director, Min-hyung’s minion – as portrayed by Korean Willem Dafoe – was beautifully used to drive forward not one, but two, important plot bits (by sowing seeds of insecurity in Chae Ain and by being plausibly mistaken for the big boss by Sang-hulk). Well played, Show.

1 year ago
Reply to  j3ffc

Korean Willem Dafoe!!!! 🤣💀
Glad, I wasn’t the only one! 😛 <3

1 year ago
Reply to  j3ffc

OMG. Korean Willem Dafoe. I totally see it!

(It is actually the second appearance of a Queen’s Umbrella alum, after Kim Hae-sook. Kwok Hae-hyo (who has been in a ton of stuff the last 20 years) was “Master Toji,” the freelancing doctor. Here, he’s the ML’s minion…)

Re: Chae-rin’s vulpine associations… If you don’t have time or inclination to watch Yumi’s Cells, there’s a character who goes around trying to sneakily undercut the FL’s romantic plans, while maintaining the guise of being friendly and totally hands-off, and eventually one of Yumi’s titular cells takes to screamingly referring to her as “THAT FOX.🦊” Meaning sly, deceptive, manipulative, with East Asian subtext of fox fairies that steal away men via sexual wiles and then maybe/probably eat them… 😱

(So, not at all the connotation of “fox” when I was growing up, and the term was applied to pinups like Farah Fawcett and Jacqueline Smith and so forth…)

1 year ago
Reply to  Trent

Thanks for the explanation…makes sense! I do have Yumi on the never-ending list but we’ll see when I can finally get to it.

So, more gumiho and less “Twentieth Century Fox” (we are of similar vintages, I think).

Snow Flower
Snow Flower
1 year ago

After the 10-year time jump, I kind of miss the haircuts from 1992.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snow Flower

I think that Chae Rin’s hairstyle from these episodes should demand its own acting credit.

Snow Flower
Snow Flower
1 year ago
Reply to  j3ffc

🤣🤣🤣 yes indeed!

1 year ago
Reply to  j3ffc

j3ffc 😁 it’s very fashionable, doncha know? 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  kfangurl

KFG — And thanks for another great set of screenshots; in particular, you really got some of those facial expressions that illustrate so well what’s going on with our various characters..

As far as Min-hyung, I think Show is definitely trying to build the impression that he’s got a good range of experience with dating, and is someone who is pretty comfortable with being attractive to and sought after by women…and I think that’s potentially one answer to why he’s starting to be intrigued by Yu-jin right off the bat–she seems to be consciously trying to push him away and give him the cold shoulder, in a way that probably seems more personal and goes beyond just her patrolling boundaries as someone who is engaged. It feels like Psychology 101 that someone is going to be perversely intrigued/attracted when they are encountering the opposite of the reaction that they are accustomed to getting, even when the usual reaction is a subconscious or subliminal one from others.

Of course, we know, more or less, the struggles that Yu-jin is going through that are creating her reactions, but to him, it must seem like an interesting puzzle (more puzzle imagery, yay!).

And yeah, he really doesn’t seem that committed or even into his current girlfriend. He’s like, baseline level attentive, maybe… accompany her to meet friends, go to drinks and dinner. But no sense that “she’s the one,” or that he envisions being with her for very long.

Re: Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk, I’m sure she has some intellectual understanding of what’s going to be coming once they’re hitched, but I get a sense that she is kind of very much in a “well I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it” mindset. Which she has apparently successfully maintained for the last ten years, which kind of blows my mind. I think she has probably reconciled herself to the position that she will be a good and supportive wife and therefore do all of the things that a good and supportive wife does, and it will work out, somehow?

(Just breaking my “assumed amnesia” wall here a wee bit–we will get more into this topic in coming episodes, to be sure…).

1 year ago
Reply to  Trent

Not only does Yu-Jin behave very differently to how Min-Hyung knows women normally behave around him… (I mean, he pretty much has that ‘God’s gift to women‘ aura around him)…. I think he’s drawn to the bundle of contradictions Yu-Jin is. She is (tries to be) cold, aloof and distant but she also cannot help herself from being an emotional mess. For a person who’s about to be married soon, she’s strangely melancholic. Min-Hyung is inquisitive by nature, and Yu-Jin’s behavior… is intriguing.🤔

Re: Yu-Jin & Sang-Hyuk… she feels like a martyr/ masochist going into this ‘arrangement’ (aka marriage). At least, that is pretty much what her expressions seem to convey to me! 😅

Fun fact: Yu-Jin is an Architect. She’s one of the Principals of Polaris, the Architecture firm she’s set-up with Jeong-Ha. Min-Hyung is very likely a civil engineer (who’s taken his engineering drawing classes in college very seriously!)🤣 and Marcian is his construction/ developer firm. Thus, Marcian is Polaris’s Client, very coincidentally, only for the ski resort-renovation project. (the snow & winter-theme… what were the odds?) Episode 4 is their joint site-visit and Polaris’s image documentation.

1 year ago
Reply to  CarpControl

– “Yu-Jin feels like a martyr/ masochist going into this ‘arrangement’ (aka marriage)” – Well said!!

1 year ago
Reply to  kfangurl

Oh, Min-Hyung definitely comes across as someone with a heavy player-vibe. And it has very less to do with the fact that the Deputy Director keeps implying it (or his stance on engagements vs marriages, despite being a staunch monogamist) and more to do with how he behaves with his girlfriend (irrespective of how catty she is). And how he behaves around an engaged colleague who’s also a friend of his current gf. It doesn’t help that his playful banter & casual overstepping of boundaries ends up feeling a tad sarcastic sometimes (from Yu-Jin’s pov) even though, I know he means no harm. I find it hard to warm up to him, and his entire existence to this show right now is nothing but a cruel joke. Like Yu-Jin, however, I find my defenses dropping every time he flashes his 100-watt toothy smile. 🙈

So far, as a first time viewer, this is very much a doppelganger plot to me, because ain’t no way this man turns out to be the wholesome potato Jun-Sang was.

1 year ago
Reply to  kfangurl

Fangurl – LOVE the screenshots again this week. They are perfectly perfect! 💯

P.S. I may borrow one or two for my scarf countdown sheet (or count up?).

1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd

We should host an award ceremony for the scarf-collection, after we finish watching! ^^

1 year ago
Reply to  CarpControl


Snow Flower
Snow Flower
1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd

, are you planning to post Winter Sonata: the Scarf edition?
I could not help it and started rewatching I’m Sorry I Love You, which is all about the ugly sweaters. I am wallowing in scarves, ugly sweaters, and melancholy piano music…

1 year ago
Reply to  Snow Flower

Snow Flower – that is funny 😂

I remember really crying hard while watching that drama. May be a part of it was over the sweaters. I do love Snoe Flower though. It is iconic and is even on my play list.

Snow Flower
Snow Flower
1 year ago
Reply to  phl1rxd

I am partial to the opening theme music. Nothing like a melancholy waltz with wordless female vocals to rip one’s heart to shreds. I am alternating episodes of Winter Sonata, I’m Sorry I Love You, and Because This Is My First Life, and have added some of the music to my KDrama Awesomeness playlist.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snow Flower

Hi Snow!… I see you’re not the only one going down the melodrama rabbit hole. Since I haven’t watched Winter Sonata before, and I’m planning to be dedicated to this group-watch, I had to get my fix elsewhere. Stairway to Heaven, it is for me!!!!! A frustrating binge, but I’m also enjoying the references STH had in Crash landing on You! Hahah! xD I like Choi-Jiwoo better in WS though! 🙈

And it seems like melancholy piano music was a *thing* back then! TT