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Multi-Anime Fanfiction Blog❇18+ blog❇ I write For Black Butler, Bleach, Blue Exorcist and Naruto. ❇Obsessed with Emotionally Unstabled fictional  Men and women.❇Admin Name is Harmony.❇Requests Are OPEN!❇ ❇

Ronald Knox and Undertaker with a shy s/o reaper

Ronald Knox and Undertaker with a shy s/o reaper:


I am going to be 100℅ honest with anon and everyone reading this. I have no idea what separately means. So you mean separate headcanons right? I hope so because that is what I am doing. Please tell me I am right and correct me if I am wrong haha either way you get headcanons of Ronald and Undertaker so that is a plus!


Ronald Knox:


- Now, from what I gathered about Ronald from the Manga and the movie is that he is Flirty, and loves to party but he can be easy going and chill as well.

-The easy going and chill side of him is great for having a shy s/o.

-He has a calm, quiet side to him that can be relaxing to a shy s/o because from experience if someone who is too loud and spontaneous can be a bit startling for someone who is shy or an introvert.

-Now, he also has a different side of him known as his flirty, partying side and This can lead to problems for his shy s/o.

-Ronald wants to party, drink and have fun while the shy s/o prefers to stay at home and just be with Ronald.

-Good thing about Ronald is that he knows how to compromise in this kind of relationship.

-With a relationship with Ronald I think he will slowly bring out your outgoing side without going overboard.

-He will start off taking you to small gatherings and mingling with people he knows.

-Since you’re a reaper I am pretty sure that you know most of people that he knows as well, so that will be easier. 

-He will encourage you to talk with them since you do know them and work with them to an extent.

-When you get too nervous talking to people he will wrap his arm around you and gently rub your arm to soothe you.

-He will also tell you very encouraging words as well.

-“You’re doing wonderful, my love. ”

- But if his s/o doesn’t want to go out then he his fine staying at home and just joy each other’s time together. 

-But unfortunately he can’t help but bring out his flirty side. So he will flirt with you until you’re a  blushing mess. 

-“You look so pretty today, my sweet. ”

-“Please don’t hide your beautiful face from me. I want to see you smile. ” *cue Ronald winking at you*

-He WILL kiss you on the lips in front of Grell to annoy them and They won’t be happy.

-“Will you two stop it! It is so improper to do these things in front of another lady! ”

-Also, William caught you too making out in the Dispatch building closet once.

-He stared, looked confused, blinked and shut the door.

-You were both called into his office immediantly the next day due to inappropriate behavior during work hours.

-You told him never again and he is low key sad about it.

-Overall, I say with compromising and listening to each other I think a relationship with Ronald could work out. Especially since he loves his s/o dearly. He will take notice of your limits and gently break your Shy shell slowly and comfortably.




-I think with him, he will still tease you and joke with you but just not as bad as an outgoing or standard s/o.

-He will flirt with you so he could see you blush because he thinks it is so cute.

-“You look astonishing my love. ”

-Will do anything to make you laugh.

-He loves your cute giggles the most.

- Still loves making silly faces at you.

-He is down with staying at home with his S/O as long you both can chill in his custom made two person coffin.

-Like the first Undertaker Headcanons, I still canon his custom made coffin.

-Not as determined to bring you out of your shell as Ronald but if you want him to then he will slowly and smoothly help you out.

- As for being a Reaper he knew from the start and once he showed you his eyes you knew too.

-As long as you keep his identity as a once reaper a secret he won’t care that you are one as well.

- But if he somehow knows that Ronald was flirting with you during work hours, he might end up pranking him because of it.

-It is quite funny actually and Ronald still doesn’t know who keeps doing the pranks  till this very day.


Note: It is so much harder writing having a 80+ pound German Shepard in your lap.


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