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07 Ghost Anime Review.

Anime Throwback

By Chae-young Published 2 years ago 3 min read

The power couple

For an anime lover myself I came across an old anime back from 2009 called 07 Ghost and so when I started watching. I noticed that from the opening song I've seen this before its just been so long.This anime is about a young man named Teito Klein who literally doesn't remember a thing about his past except a war that happened when he was a child.Teito and his best brother friend Mikage train to become soldiers for a country called Warsfeil.I know Japn loves there German references in manga and still do.Anyway Teito and his friend learn how to use this magical tool called the Zaiphon to use for power and murder because there main antagonist.


Ayanami is a ruthless war captain you know like Tanya was in Youjo Senki.This guy is like 4th or 5th on craziness and the lengths he would go to complete a certain task from manipulation to just mind control.So in the first few episodes Mikage and Teito have to go through these insane test to prove their worth to Ayanami.At first I really thought this anime was a Shoujo Ai.It reminded me from so many other brother love animes where the two MCU do end up together ,but I was so wrong.The next few episodes are just Teito trying to remember who he was and where he came from which was the Raggs Kingdom.This is the first sad part of the show because it gets worse way worse.Teito realizes the man in his memories was his father and that Ayanami had something to do with it and so in the pit of rage. Teito attacks Ayanami which apparently is a crime sentenced to death so Teito gets imprisoned.Mikage tries to save him and Teito flees the capital on a flying magical bike and starts flying and flying to the point of exhaustion.

Labrador,Fau,and Castor

Till he is picked up by a main character named Frau and Labrador who are bishops to a one of a kind church. Where literally anyone is welcome and be forgiven from any crime whatsoever.Then we get introduced to Kors which I never really understood,but I'll do my best.Kors are demon like skeletons that feed on negative emotions from a person and this case controlled by Ayanami from a far. To find Teito because this guy really wants this kid dead,anyway Teito and frau flirt effortlessly and Mikage is being tortured for protecting his best friend lover I don't know all there relationships are so misleading.Later Ayanami threatens him to tell him where Teito is and this man literally gives up everything to save him and yes it get worse.For the record for all you guys out there who are reading this and think"this is just a bump in the road for out power couple".That thought is gonna make you cry there is no good ending to this anime from where I can see.Just my only question was throughout the entire show how in the almighties did this man change his clothes multiple times with chains around his arms and legs.This show will leave you with more questions than answers.Like Mikage finds Teito at the refugee and Ayanami being the man sadist he is he uses the friendship the two boys have against Teito and then kills him.Which wasn't too bad because he got reincarnated into this.

Do I need to say more.

After 15 episodes I finally understand why the show is called 7 ghost I not gonna spoil anything on that one because I really don't think anyone would read that part your better off watching the anime.Then you get introduced to the 5th blond guy Hakuren and of course Teito secret weapon.

An eyeball in the back of his hand named Mikhail that he inherited and the one thing Ayanami has been searching till the ends of whatever type of universe this is.Just know he is like a whole entity living in his hand you know like Parasyte.After all this anime was awesome watching it the second time around after a long hiatus.I hope you enjoy it too and show the creators some love by purchasing the manga the show leaves out a few minor details that makes the plot more interesting in the manga so check that out too.


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