Thornless Blackberry 'Chester'

Rubus ulmifolius 'Chester'

The largest fruiting of the almost thornless blackberries, ‘Chester’ produces sweet medium-sized fruit late into the season, helping to extend your berry harvest.

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Thornless Blackberry 'Chester'

Summer fruiting thornless brambleberry. Give it a bit of room and a sturdy trellis as it’s a vigorous grower that will produce medium-to-large glossy black fruit to the end of summer. A useful addition to the berry garden, as it bridges the gap between the summer and autumn fruiting raspberries. Two canes will be enough to supply a whole family with summer fruit.
How to grow

FLORICANE BERRY - These berries fruit on second year wood. Prune after fruiting, but only remove the canes that have already produced fruit. Provide a trellis or frame at planting to contain growth and for ease of harvest. Improve soil with compost prior to planting. Apply compost annually in spring. Water during long dry periods and during fruiting

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