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Hetalia Axis Power RP > Characters

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message 1: by ☠Kai☠ ☠Shun☠, Main Mod/Group Creator (last edited Jul 01, 2010 11:40AM) (new)

☠Kai☠ ☠Shun☠ (dark_wolf-xxkaixx) | 1464 comments Mod
Name: Marcus
Race: Australia
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, serious, usually able to keep his cool but can sometimes easily lose his temper.
Other: --
Crush: Open

message 2: by I found the brotherhood (last edited Jul 03, 2010 12:34AM) (new)

I found the brotherhood (I AM AN ASSASSIN) Human Name:Francis Bonnefoy

Contry name: France

Contry representing: French Republic



Appearance:Francis has shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes, and has a slight amount of facial hair which he believes makes him look like a "big brother"
Hetalia - France Pictures, Images and Photos

Personality:Francis is infatuated with most of the nations and is known to make blatant sexual comments at every opportunity and is very affectionate, often shown streaking or touching other nations inappropriately. He is attracted to beautiful things, which include men and women of any age and maybe even some non-human beings. He loves himself so much that he doesn't bother to remember English and considers French the "language of love."



message 3: by Quackyduck (last edited Jul 02, 2010 05:54AM) (new)

Quackyduck  (quackyduck) | 1065 comments Gah you took France! T.T

Human Name: Vash Zwingli
COuntry: Switzerland
Age: 18
Gender: M
Personality: Isolated, with quite a temper, he prefers to buy things cheap. He has a little sister, Lichenstein.He is known for shooting at France, and other countries when he is angry. Which is almost all the time.

message 4: by Quackyduck (new)

Quackyduck  (quackyduck) | 1065 comments Human Name: Unkown
Country: Liechtenstein
Age: unkown
Personality: High tech, mature, but very shy.

Magic_And_Fairies_Are_Real | 8 comments Human Name: Arthur Kirkland

Country name: England

Country representing: Great Britain, but also holds the title of the United Kingdom of England and Northern Ireland in official matters

Age: Appears to be around 22 or 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: His most defining features are his rather large, bushy eyebrows beneath a smattering of choppy blond hair. England has green (like the rolling hills of his country) eyes and often can be found in semi-formal clothing such as button-up shirts with ties, slacks and (sweater-)vests. He's a bit shorter than America, but is neither fragile nor weak, and has an impressive amount of stamina (as seen during his endurance of the Blitz in WWII).

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Personality: Naturally, he enjoys all things British. England is also used to having to defend himself from anyone and everyone, and is especially bitter about the falling-out he had with America back during the Revolution. England can be considerate, witty and self-sacrificing at the best of times, but petty, argumentative and violent at the worst. He also tends to speak his mind rather unrepentantly, curses a lot and has a short temper. As a result, he doesn't have many friends. Even so, England claims this doesn't bother him at all and that he enjoys being alone as opposed to having to suffer the company of any 'infuriating idiots'. England is also a romantic at heart, even if he doesn't let it show, for fear of being teased.

Crush: Due to Japan's polite, quiet and unassuming nature, Arthur tends to find himself rather flustered around him. Good luck getting him to admit if he doesn't really want to kill Francis, though. In the end, who knows?

Other: England loves to cook, but sadly his absent-mindedness tends to make him botch anything he tries to make. He also enjoys the occult, sewing, literature (Shakespeare and Tolkien are from his home, after all) and interacting with his mystical friends. It seems the only other one who can see them is Norway, though, as if England talks to the fey creatures in the presence of others, they tend to label him as 'mental'...

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Name: Ivan Braginski
Country: Russia
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male


Personality: After so many wars and seeing deaths and mutilation of all kinds, Ivan finally snapped. He went insane from his bloody past.
Besides that, he appears as a gentle man. He loves sunflowers and vodka.

Crush: He has a thing for China, but he'd probably 'become one' with anyone.

Other: Become one with Mother Russia...


message 7: by Grantaire (new)

Grantaire (americajapan) | 183 comments OTL I should never be allowed on Photobucket... XD

Human Name: Alfred F Jones

Contry name: America (USA~!) Amerika

Age: appears (and acts) about 18-19


Appearance: America Pictures, Images and Photos

Personality: Alfred is a cheerful, energetic, yet somewhat conceited young man who is obsessed with heroes, justice, and freedom. He has the habit of sticking his nose into everyone else's business, which causes him to have difficulty making friends. Alfred is also known for not being aware of how "the atmosphere" is when he's around others(which, at one point, he was told to read it), but it has been noted that it's not that he lacks the ability to "assess the situation", he simply chooses not to.

Crush: ----

Other: ----

~Kiku*Japan*Honda~ | 16 comments Human Name: Kiku Honda

Country name: Japan

Country representing: Japan (Nihon, 日本 )

Age: Exact age unknown, apparent age is probably around 22. His birthday is February 11th.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Japan is short and slim, with black hair and brown eyes. He usually wears what looks like a white naval uniform, complete with black and gold trim. When around his home, Kiku is usually seen sporting a yukata.


Personality: Japan is kind of shy and quiet. He doesn’t really know much about Western culture (or many other cultures, really), seeing as how he spent about 200 years as a hikikomori. He isn’t one for physical contact, and gets very flusterd when other nations hug him, etc. Despite this fact, he has a large collection of erotic woodcuts and doujinshi. He is hard-working and good with technology. He stays relatively calm most of the time, but when he gets mad – he gets very mad. He has a problem speaking what is on his mind, and often gets chastised for it. When he does express his thoughts, though, he tends to do so it a roundabout sort of way.

Crush: Although he isn't very aware of it himself (or he just likes to deny it), he currently has 'crushes' on America, England, and Greece.

Other: Japan loves food (but usually tends to steer clear of America’s or England’s.) He is quiet good with technology, and often builds things like robots. He is a bit of an otaku – even going as far as reading yaoi, yuri, and hentai. Japan loves animals, his favorites being cats because they are soft and fluffy. He owns a small white dog named Pochi.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Name: Feliks Łukasiewicz
Country: Poland
Age: 19
Gender: Male
He has light, shoulder-length blond hair and green eyes. He wears a green uniform with matching cap, and tan boots. Sometimes he is drawn with a green capelet worn over his jacket, though in one preliminary design of Feliks, he wore a full-length cape instead.

Personality: It is troublesome for others to get to know him, as he acts shy and has anxiety towards strangers. However, if he's used to someone, he will never let go and will act troublesome. He is a cheerful, somewhat selfish man and rather forceful with his opinions. Because he's short-sighted and impulsive, other nations can easily take advantage of him.

Crush: He's best friends with Lithuania, but no crushes are known.

Other: Crossdressing is his main hobby.

((Most of this was copied from Hetalia Wiki.))

message 10: by xXRossiya AruXx (new)

xXRossiya AruXx (biggestanimegeek) Alisria wrote: "Name: Ivan Braginski
Country: Russia
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male


Personality: After so many wars and seeing deaths and mutilation of all kinds, Ivan finally snapped. He went ins..."

>> I am nicknamed Russia at school, and I <3 him!!!:O *is slight sad she can't be Ivan*

message 11: by xXRossiya AruXx (new)

xXRossiya AruXx (biggestanimegeek) Name: Heracles Karpusi
Race: Greece
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Looks: hetalia greece heracles Pictures, Images and Photos
Personality:He is said to have a serious personality, but he often seems carefree and casual. He is often seen with cats, a reference to Greece's stray cat population. He loves naps and is often seen sleeping, but even though it seems there is nothing in his head, he has a love for philosophy and history. It is said that if you dig in his backyard, you'll find many ancient ruins and things belonging to his mother, Ancient Greece.
Other: --

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