60-Seconds Visual Puzzle: Can you tell which Tom and Jerry cartoon is different?

How fast can you spot the differences in a picture puzzle? Test your observation skills with this spot the different one picture puzzle here. Can you beat the 60-seconds visual puzzle challenge to tell which Tom and Jerry cartoon is the odd one out?

Roopashree Sharma
Aug 25, 2023, 12:39 IST
Observation Brain Test: Can You Tell Which Tom And Jerry Drawing Is Different?
Observation Brain Test: Can You Tell Which Tom And Jerry Drawing Is Different?

How fast can you spot the differences in a picture puzzle? Test your observation skills with this spot the different one picture puzzle here. Can you beat the 60-seconds visual puzzle challenge to tell which Tom and Jerry cartoon is the odd one out?

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This picture puzzle is for adults, kids, and everyone who enjoys solving good brain teasers. This visual puzzle is going to test your lateral thinking skills and challenge your ability to pay attention to details.

60-Seconds Visual Puzzle: Can you tell which Tom and Jerry cartoon is different? 

spot the difference tom and jerry brain teaser

Picture puzzles are excellent types of brain teasers to sharpen your brain, visual perception, observation skills, and problem-solving skills.

Here, we have a picture of the Tom and Jerry cartoon. Are you a fan of the Tom and Jerry cartoon show? You will love this puzzle. 

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Teachers can use this fun puzzle in their classrooms to encourage critical thinking among their students.

Which Tom and Jerry image is the odd one out among these three? Can you tell which image is not the same? Observe all the details of each Tom and Jerry images to tell which one is different.

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It is time you show how good you are at spot the difference game. 

Your 60 seconds challenge starts now!

If you are unable to solve the puzzle, you can check the answer below when time runs out.

Also try: Find The Fault In This Ice Skating Picture In 4 Seconds! 99% Fail This IQ Challenge!

Tom and Jerry Puzzles Answers

Amazing! If you could tell which Tom and Jerry cartoon is different in this picture. However, if you are still wondering which Tom and Jerry image is the odd one out, we have shared the answer below. Compare their noses with other images.

spot the odd one out tom and jerry images

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