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Eastern Black Swallowtail Caterpillar - Papilio polyxenes When provoked, the larvae of this species sprout eversible orange horns called osmeterium, which release a foul odor in order to deter predators. The osmeterium is a defensive, glandular organ that is coated in stinky chemicals, and is located at the base of the caterpillar&#039;s head. The osmeterial odor changes between species and within the life stages of the caterpillars. <br />
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This particular caterpillar&#039;s osmeterium smelled like apples. You can actually see bits of the stinky fluid dripping off the osmeterium in this photo!<br />
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Habitat: On fennel (Foeniculum sp.) in a rural garden<br />
<figure class="photo"><a href="https://www.jungledragon.com/image/83300/papilio_polyxenes_-_black_swallowtail_caterpillar.html" title="Papilio polyxenes - Black Swallowtail Caterpillar"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.jungledragon.com/images/3232/83300_thumb.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=05GMT0V3GWVNE7GGM1R2&Expires=1716422410&Signature=xjCnwY3NON76gISvaETvJcihAP8%3D" width="134" height="152" alt="Papilio polyxenes - Black Swallowtail Caterpillar When provoked, the larvae of this species sprout eversible orange horns called osmeterium, which release a foul odor in order to deter predators. The osmeterium is a defensive, glandular organ that is coated in stinky chemicals, and is located at the base of the caterpillar&#039;s head. The osmeterial odor changes between species and within the life stages of the caterpillars. <br />
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This particular caterpillar&#039;s osmeterium smelled like apples. You can actually see bits of the stinky fluid dripping off the osmeterium in this photo!<br />
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Habitat: On fennel (Foeniculum sp.) in a rural garden<br />
https://www.jungledragon.com/image/83301/eastern_black_swallowtail_caterpillar_-_papilio_polyxenes.html Black Swallowtail,Geotagged,Papilio polyxenes,Summer,United States,caterpillar,osmeterium,papilio" /></a></figure><br />
 Black Swallowtail,Geotagged,Papilio polyxenes,Summer,United States,caterpillar Click/tap to enlarge

Eastern Black Swallowtail Caterpillar - Papilio polyxenes

When provoked, the larvae of this species sprout eversible orange horns called osmeterium, which release a foul odor in order to deter predators. The osmeterium is a defensive, glandular organ that is coated in stinky chemicals, and is located at the base of the caterpillar's head. The osmeterial odor changes between species and within the life stages of the caterpillars.

This particular caterpillar's osmeterium smelled like apples. You can actually see bits of the stinky fluid dripping off the osmeterium in this photo!

Habitat: On fennel (Foeniculum sp.) in a rural garden

Papilio polyxenes - Black Swallowtail Caterpillar When provoked, the larvae of this species sprout eversible orange horns called osmeterium, which release a foul odor in order to deter predators. The osmeterium is a defensive, glandular organ that is coated in stinky chemicals, and is located at the base of the caterpillar's head. The osmeterial odor changes between species and within the life stages of the caterpillars. <br />
<br />
This particular caterpillar's osmeterium smelled like apples. You can actually see bits of the stinky fluid dripping off the osmeterium in this photo!<br />
<br />
Habitat: On fennel (Foeniculum sp.) in a rural garden<br />
https://www.jungledragon.com/image/83301/eastern_black_swallowtail_caterpillar_-_papilio_polyxenes.html Black Swallowtail,Geotagged,Papilio polyxenes,Summer,United States,caterpillar,osmeterium,papilio

    comments (3)

  1. Wow, great shot! Posted one year ago
    1. Thanks, they are very photogenic! Posted one year ago
      1. Indeed, they look like they just jumped out of a fantasy comic book! Posted one year ago

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The Black Swallowtail is a butterfly found throughout much of North America. It is the state butterfly of Oklahoma. An extremely similar-appearing species, "Papilio joanae", occurs in the Ozark Mountains region, but it appears to be closely related to "Papilio machaon", rather than "P. polyxenes".

Similar species: Moths And Butterflies
Species identified by Christine Young
View Christine Young's profile

By Christine Young

All rights reserved
Uploaded Aug 17, 2019. Captured Aug 17, 2019 08:04 in 91 Main St, Sharon, CT 06069, USA.
  • Canon EOS 80D
  • f/3.5
  • 1/197s
  • ISO100
  • 100mm