KUALA LUMPUR, June 6 — All students in Form Five this year will sit for their SPM examinations in March 2022.

Education Minister Datuk Radzi Jidin also added that their oral and practical exams will be held in February 2022.

“Just like we did last year, MoE decided to take this step after taking into consideration the challenges and current situation that these students have to face.

“Having the experience of running SPM 2020 has helped us and we are convinced all the processes with SPM 2021 will run as smoothly as this year’s SPM examinations,” he said during a live telecast on Facebook this morning.


He also said the ministry had so far given out 12,887 laptop units to 95 schools in 51 district education offices while another 40,290 laptops will be given out by June 12 this year.

The remaining 96,82 laptops will be distributed by the end of September 2021. Prior to this MoE had planned to give 150,000 laptops to needy children in the B40 groups along with a year’s internet access for free.

In addition to that when asked what the plan would be when schools reopen seeing as previously when they opened schools for physical attendance some schools had to shut down as a cluster emerged following the spread of Covid-19, Radzi said the priority would be given to students in examination years including the teachers.


He said MoE will wait for the National Security Council to decide on the movement of teachers.

He however said the difficulty is with the hostels as their close quarters and tight living area is rife for infection.

“The challenges are the asrama (hostel) schools. MoE is discussing what approach to take for these schools. The last time we opened schools a lot of cases were sporadic in the public and eventually some schools were infected.

“But due to good SOPs they managed to keep the infection from getting worse. That’s the key, adherence to SOPs,” he said.

Apart from that, Radzi said around 70,000 teachers have been given at least one Covid-19 vaccination shot and he aims to expedite this during the 25 days PdPR period.

“I’ve spoken to the minister in charge of the vaccines Khairy Jamaluddin and we will try to speed up the vaccination process for the teachers during this PdPR period.

“I urge all teachers who have appointments to please attend them as we want to vaccinate as many people as possible as soon as possible,” he added.