John Paul Jones was a Scottish-born American naval officer who served in the Continental Navy during the American Revolutionary War.
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Jun 20, 2024 · Jones was born John Paul on 6 July 1747, in Kirkcudbright, Scotland. At the age of 12 he entered the British merchant marine and went to sea for the first time ...
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John Paul Jones will be remembered in history as a naval hero to some and a pirate to others. John had an education, being sent to Kirkbean School.
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Rating (300)
The New York Times bestseller from master biographer Evan Thomas brings to life the tumultuous story of the father of the American Navy. John Paul Jones, at sea ...
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John Paul Jones is famous in the United States as the 'Father of the American Navy'. He was born in poverty and through his skills became a distinguished naval ...
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Rating (56)
This book vividly portrays the illustrious career of John Paul Jones, from his early training at sea in the British West Indian merchant trade to his exploits
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This Pulitzer prize-winning book is widely recognized as the only authoritative, modern biography of the naval officer frequently referred to as the father of ...
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John Paul Jones, 'father of the US Navy', died under mysterious circumstances on July 18, 1792. Although his remains were resurrected and autopsied 113 ...
Dec 19, 2024 · American naval hero in the American Revolution, renowned for his victory over British ships of war off the east coast of England (September 23, 1779).
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