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The book categorizes the types of music genres found in Malaysian society and provides an overview of the development of music in that country.
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An insight into social life in Sandakan, as it was capital of the North Borneo British Chartered Company.
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Previously published as: A naturalist's guide to the birds of Malaysia and Singapore, 2015.
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More than we might think, a Costas M. Constantinou amply demonstrates in this provocative reconsideration of both the concept of diplomacy and the working of theory.
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With this book, Laura Marks makes an original and important contribution to understanding the aesthetics of contemporary media culture and its hidden Islamic genealogies."P̮atricia Pisters, University of Amsterdam.
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This is particularly the case in Asia where recent economic prosperity and trends in globalization have not merely spurred, but continue to shape traditions in domestic tourism.This book is the first to address specifically the continuities ...
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Growing up enveloped in the aromas of her mother’s spice stall in Kuala Lumpur, Christina Arokiasamy developed an artist’s sense of how to combine and use spices in traditional and innovative ways.