Consisting of three short tales, all involving Father Christmas, this book delivers fables with unexpected twists and encounters, resulting in a degree of novelty that is rarely seen in this genre of fiction.
Mordicai coolly answered that he was well aware of that but that the estate could afford to dip farther; that for his part he was under no apprehension; he knew how to look sharp and to bite before he was bit: that he knew Sir Terence and ...
"The son of the Wolf" (1900), the first of his collections of tales, is based upon life in the Far North, as is the book that brought him recognition, "The Call of the Wild" (1903), which tells the story of the dog Buck, who, after his ...
Mark Twain, Bret Harte, Horace Greely (along with legions of much less famous printers) plied their trade and enjoyed adventures as tramp printers until it all suddenly vanished in the mid 1970s.