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subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
When a deep winter snow carpets the Green Forest and nearby meadow, Granny Fox and Reddy have some disagreements on how best to find some food.
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
De Segur, a French writer of Russian descent, wrote numerous books, the most famous of which was Les Malheurs de Sophie (Sophie's Misfortunes). Done when she was only 19 years of age, this was Chicago-born Sterrett's first book.
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
Presents an adaptation of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," with tips for performing.
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
<p>«ظهرَت الدهشة على وجوه المغامرين، وسألت «نوسة»: ما علاقةُ معدنٍ مثل الذهب بالمرض؟! إنه اكتشافٌ غريب!</p> <p>قال «تختخ»: واكتشف ...
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
This four-act script allows students to perform roles at differentiated reading levels to accommodate all students.
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
This enduring cookbook contains not only recipes, but also information on carving, the management of State dinners, table etiquette, and "health suggestions," in a comprehensive collection of menus and recipes.
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
It is considered a boy's adventure novel.In the novel, Joe Bronson, dissatisfied with his dull life at school, runs away and joins the crew of a sloop he sees in San Francisco Bay.
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
«بعد حوالي أربعة أيام من إكمالِ وضعِ البيوض تنتهي حياتي بعد أن أكون قد أدَّيت وظيفتي في إنتاج جيل يُتابع من بعدي.» أُحبُّ فصل ...
subject:"Juvenile Fiction" from
¿Quieres conocer la historia del Antiguo Egipto de la mano de Bennu?