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subject:"Science" from
Vols. for 1854-19 include section: Die feierliche Jahressitzung (called Die feierliche Sitzung, 1854-1914; Die statutenmässige Jahressitzung, 1915-21; published also separately, 1848-99)
subject:"Science" from
She explores how artists develop decolonial and post-anthropocentric perspectives on the collections and expeditions that were central to the evolution of European natural history.
subject:"Science" from
Der Verfasser hofft, dadurch der Abhandlung eine geschlossene und übersichtliche Form gegeben zu haben. Oharlottenburg, im Juni 1883. A. Beringer. Inhalt. Seite Vorbemerkung 1 I. Das elektrische Triebwerk. § 1-4.
subject:"Science" from
This volume also explores a unique approach to sustainable management that blends together both natural and spiritual concerns and draws together philosophical concepts from numerous intellectual traditions, bridging East and West, North ...
subject:"Science" from
This volume on communication in transdisciplinary teams is timely for two reasons: the number and size of research teams has increased, and communication is a primary criterion for success in both inter- and trans-disciplinary ...
subject:"Science" from
The new guidelines are meant to protect public health, help evaluate development projects near freshwater and recreational sites and assess potential health aspects of recreational projects.
subject:"Science" from
Apărută la Editura Tehnică în anul 1989 în colecția “Probleme și aplicații pentru ingineri”, lucrarea este utilă inginerilor electrotehnicieni sau energeticieni, oferind formule și modele concrete și originale de calcul.
subject:"Science" from
Artificial Earth: A Genealogy of Planetary Technicity offers an intellectual history of humanity as a geological force, focusing on a prevalent contradiction in the Anthropocene discourse on global environmental change: on the one hand, it ...