subject:"Cyclone forecasting" from
The short term teleconnections arising from an individual tropical cyclone in tne western Pacific (typhoon Seth, October 1994) were examined using an operational global data assimilation system and numerical weather prediction model.
subject:"Cyclone forecasting" from
Tiros 4 satellite views of cloud growth related to development of secondary cyclones.
subject:"Cyclone forecasting" from
This proposed study examines the potential use of satellite passive microwave rainfall measurements derived from Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) radiometers onboard the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) constellation ...
subject:"Cyclone forecasting" from
A study of hurricanes and efforts to predict them traces the history of weather forecasting and describes the exploits of the Hurricane Hunters who fly through storms, and the impact of satellite imaging and computer modeling on forecasts.