Taming the beast : Bluebeard and other monsters -- Epilogue : getting even -- Appendixes -- A. Six fairy tales from the Nursery and household tales, with commentary -- B. Selected tales from the first edition of the Nursery and household ...
David Young's is the first most sensitive of the translations of this work, superior to other translations in sound and sense. He captures Rilke's simple, concrete, and colloquial language, writing with a precision close to the original.
The most significant key we have for a reading of the author's novels and short stories." —The New York Times In no other work does Franz Kafka reveal himself as in Letters to Milena, which begins as a business correspondence but soon ...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) adopted the story of the wandering conjuror who accepts Mephistopheles's offer of a pact, selling his soul for the devil's greaterknowledge; over a period of 60 years he produced one of the greatest ...
The Arcades Project is Benjamin's effort to represent and to critique bourgeois society from the post-Napoleonic era to the present age and, in so doing, to liberate the suppressed "primal history" that underlies its ideological mask.
This book is part of a projected twelve-volume paperback series that brings into modern English a reliable translation of a representative portion of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's vast body of work.
'The Castle' is Franz Kafka's unfinished novel. It tells the story of K., the unwanted land surveyor who is never to be admitted to the Castle nor accepted in the village, and yet who cannot go home.
A new translation of Rilke's groundbreaking volume, following the formal properties of the original poems, especially meter and rhyme, as closely as English allows.
One-Way Street is a thoroughfare unlike anything else in literature—by turns exhilarating and bewildering, requiring mental agility and a special kind of urban literacy.